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53 × Eureka!Hi Martin 😄 ok got it but now the question: how I can pass this to the train-agent deployed with Helm chart?
how do you point tasks to git repo?
about minor releases they are not breaking so it should be linear
our data engineer directly write code in pycharm and test it on the fly with brakpoints. when good we simply commit in git and we set a tag "prod ready"
Hi, helm show readme
should output informations on any single parameter fo the chart. helm show values
will show the entire values file containing also the structure.
ok, for mayor version upgrade my suggestion is to backup the data somewhere and do a clean install after removing the pvc/pv
today it's pretty busy for me but I can try to help if needed, pls put any question here if you have and I will try to answer when possible
these are steps for major upgrade to latest chart version
yes, exactly, agent creates and manages task pod lifecycle
how did you specified it in Helm override file?
Ty, I have other stuff that I'd like to send but it's better to get these eventually merged first so I can proceed to shiny news PR in the near future 😄
you will need to upgrade clearml helm chart
Just one more info: atm I tested Elastic v7.10.* . I still didn't tested 7.11-7.12-7.13
# Point to the internal API server hostname APISERVER=
Path to ServiceAccount token
Read this Pod's namespace
Read the ServiceAccount bearer token
Reference the internal certificate authority (CA)
Explore the API with TOKEN
curl --cacert ${CACERT} --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -X GET ${A...
but TaskTypes is under Task
output_dest works:)
About last point: I would like to retrieve the pipeline 'output_dest' and use it as a parameter in adding steps, is that possible?
Hi, atm we still didn’t tested chart against a k8s 1.29.*. That’s why we didn’t ;t included it for now; I plan to add support by this week since I’m m preparing for a new testing cluster so if you waiut a couple of day you should be good.\
that sc is not set as default
can you also show output of kubectl get po
of the namespace where you installaed clearml?
just my two cents
probably you will see it’s not capable of doing it and it should be related k8s config
elastic is not being scheduled
is not accessible from your pod
you need to investigate why it’s still in Pending state
I don’t think it’s related how agent talk with apiserver or fileserver. It’s more related the fact agent pod internal kubectl cannot contact kubernetes apiserver