When an environment variable is tracked via TRAINS_LOG_ENVIRONMENT="MYENVVAR" will it then be used by the clearml-agent? My env variable is tracked in the GU...
4 years ago
I have a self-hosted clearm-server and and clearml-agent started with clearml-agent daemon --queue default --foreground I try to execute the following simple...
4 years ago
Quick question: Does overriding a task with Task.init() do a proper delete of debug samples at an fileserver or S3 host?
one year ago
Hello everyone, quick question: How can I specify that I want to run my task with python -O flag remotely?
2 years ago
Hello! Since today I get AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled for PyTorch 1.8. Tasks that I submitted yesterday to the queue are also not wor...
3 years ago
I am trying PyTorch Nightly again with Python 3.10. Works fine locally, but fails on clearml-agent in docker mode. ERROR: Ignored the following versions that...
one year ago