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95 Questions, 639 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

In my case I use the conda freeze option and do not even have CUDA installed on the agents.

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

I was wrong: I think it uses the agent.cuda_version , not the local env cuda version.

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

Ah, perfect. Did not know this. Will try! Thanks again! πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

I just updated my server to 1.0 and now the services agent is stuck in restarting:

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

It seems like the services-docker is always started with Ubuntu 18.04, even when I use
task.set_base_docker( "continuumio/miniconda:latest -v /opt/clearml/data/fileserver/:{}".format( file_server_mount ) )

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

However, to use conda as package manager I need a docker image that provides conda.

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

` ocker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports

clearml-agent-services /usr/agent/entrypoint.sh Restarting
clearml-apiserver /opt/clearml/wrapper.sh ap ... Up>8008/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8081/tcp ...

3 years ago
0 Can Someone Point Me Whether/How The Services-Agent The Starts With The Clearml-Server Mounts The

It is not explained there, but do you mean

3 years ago
0 Is There A Reason

Hey Martin, thank you for answering!
I see your point, however in my opinion this is really unexpected behavior. Sure, I can do some work to make it "safe", but shouldn't that be default. So throw an error without clearml.conf and expect CLEARML_USE_DEFAULT_SERVER=1 ` .

3 years ago
0 Is There A Reason

Well, I guess no hurdles vs. safety is inherently no solvable. I am all for hurdles, if it is clear how to overcome it. And in my opinion referring to clearml-init is something which makes sense from a developer and a user perspective.

3 years ago
0 Fyi: Conda Installation Of Pytorch Is Broken Again. My Old Tasks Which Worked Before Now Fail Since They Do Not Find Torch. However, I Can See In The Execution That Conda Had Errors. Most Probably It Happens Because Pytorch 1.8.1 Has Been Released, But I

Installed packages:

` # Python 3.7.10 (default, Feb 26 2021, 18:47:35) [GCC 7.3.0]


3 years ago
0 Hello Everyone, Quick Question: How Can I Specify That I Want To Run My Task With

The default behavior mimics Python’s assert statement: validation is on by default, but is disabled if Python is run in optimized mode (via python -O). Validation may be expensive, so you may want to disable it once a model is working.

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone, Quick Question: How Can I Specify That I Want To Run My Task With

Is there a way to specify this on a per task basis? I am running clearml-agent in docker mode btw.

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone, Quick Question: How Can I Specify That I Want To Run My Task With

Thank you very much, didnt know about that πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Quick Question: When I Use

I can put anything there: s3://my_minio_instance:9000 /bucket_that_does_not_exist and it will work.

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Quick Question: When I Use

Just if I leave it empty, it will not work.

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Quick Question: When I Use

Yes. What do you mean by unconnected?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Quick Question: When I Use

These are the errors I get if I use file_servers without a bucket ( s3://my_minio_instance:9000 )

2022-11-16 17:13:28,852 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed creating storage object Reason: Missing key and secret for S3 storage access ( ) 2022-11-16 17:13:28,853 - clearml.metrics - WARNING - Failed uploading to ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'upload_from_stream') 2022-11-16 17:13:28,854 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed creating storage object ` Reason: Missing key...

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have A Quick Question: When I Use

I have set default_output_uri to s3://my_minio_instance:9000/clearml

If I set files_server to s3://my_minio_instance:9000 /bucket_that_does_not_exist it fails at uploading metrics, but model upload still works:

WARNING - Failed uploading to s3://my_minio_instance:9000/ bucket_that_does_not_exist ('NoneType' object has no attribute 'upload')

clearml.Task - INFO - Completed model upload to s3://my_minio_instance:9000/clearml

What is ` default_out...

2 years ago
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