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7 Questions, 22 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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21 × Eureka!
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0 Votes 1 Answers 1K Views
Hi clearml 🙂 , I wanted to ask you a simple question about the clearml.conf . What is the most " pythonic " way to parse clearml.conf ? I am built an applic...
2 years ago
0 Votes
9 Answers
0 Votes 9 Answers 988 Views
Hello clearml ppl 😄 very general question, does clearml as any API for any feature store or are there any plan on implementing a feature store inside clearm...
2 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
Hello clearml ppl I have a question, is there a way to filter Tasks and get only the ones that has status="Running" ? I have tried both with Task.get_tasks()...
2 years ago
0 Votes
7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 960 Views
Hello clearml ppl 🙂 , I have a question about adding some new field to clearml UI/ and to the API. My goal is to filter all the tasks using this field. So i...
2 years ago
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16 Answers
0 Votes 16 Answers 982 Views
Hello people 🙂 I wanted to use the client API of clearml to do some analysis on the metadata of my experiments . For instance I would like to get the durati...
2 years ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 960 Views
Hello guys 🙂 I have a question about parameters & Controller. From a Controller instance I would like to clone a task, and set some update parameters with s...
3 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 988 Views
Hello clearml friends 🙂 , I have a question regarding the requirements_file arguments in Task.create() . Can I put a path/link to requirements from git repo...
2 years ago
0 Hello Guys

Thanks Stef,
I will test and let you know 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi

SuccessfulKoala55 thanks for letting us know. I actually had that issue starting from this morning.

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

I know I drop a very general question, so I am sorry for the confusion.

However, I was reading online how other companies were dealing with data pipeline for handling data both in training & inference in a very standard, and monitorable way.

I saw people refer to something called feature store , the first was probably uber ( source https://eng.uber.com/michelangelo-machine-learning-platform/ ) ... I know tecton is one provider of it (source https://www.tecton.ai/ ), but there might ...

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

I think it would be amazing Martin 😃 . You guys are providing an amazing service at clearml!

However if I could give a feedback for you to even improve it, I would suggest to start think of implementing some feature store API. you know better then me that for productionization of ML data pipelines are very critical.

And I really hope I don't sound arrogant by giving this feedback 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

I am completely honest, in the sense I am starting to get familiar with feature store in general.

For use case I have something specific to my data pipeline, but I think it can be easily generalized. I could start to look into feast and see from there what we need!

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

Exactly! so do you guys have any sort of API for anything like that?

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

ok this makes sense, but how do I filter this tasks using the parameters? CostlyOstrich36

Imagine I create this task with a given parameters --
task = Task.init(project_name='examples', task_name='Hyper-parameters example') parameters= {"customer_id" : 100} parameters = task.connect(parameters)
When is time to filter all tasks with customer_id = 100 , what can I use?

I tried this, but is not working ...
` from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient
client = APIClien...

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

Thank you very much 🙂 I guess I finished the free tips !

Not sure why this is not working, but will give it a try ! thanks anyway if you can't help 🙂
response = client.tasks.get_all( order_by=["-last_update"], _all_={"pattern":"100", "fields":["hyperparams.custom_id.value"]} )

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

very nice 🙂
CostlyOstrich36 I was trying to filter things using some parameters, but I was not really able to filter them before fetching the a given task... can you send some syntax or examples I can look ?

2 years ago
0 Hello People

Like I am saying from your code that the clearml.task.Task.started() does not return me the datetime. could I get the starting time info from some hidden attributes?

def started(self, ignore_errors=True, force=False): # type: (bool, bool) -> () """ The signal that this Task started. """ return self.send(tasks.StartedRequest(self.id, force=force), ignore_errors=ignore_errors)

2 years ago
0 Hello People

Thanks a lot! I will give it a try!

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Friends

Hey CostlyOstrich36 Thank you very much for the answer!

You want the ability to create pipeline steps in the controller simply by specifying the source control parameters + packages, correct?

So I guess yes but there are 2 cases;

case A : my running application (whose source code is in ./git/repo_1/ ) wants to launch a simple clearml task (python script with Task.init() ) whose source code is ./git/repo_2 and specify branch, script and ` requirments_...

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Friends

Hello CostlyOstrich36 any news about it ? 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl I Have A Question, Is There A Way To Filter Tasks And Get Only The Ones That Has

Thanks a lot Natan 🙂 ,

Is there a file or a piece of documentation where I can see the fields and arguments I can apply when I am using task_filter ?

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Ppl

Actually AgitatedDove14 I think that Feast is great, but is missing the part of really transform the data with feature engineering ... so you may want either to develop that part on your side or look at other provider ...

is a feature-store-as-a-service. A big difference between Feast and Tecton is that Tecton supports transformations, so feature pipelines can be managed end-to-end within Tecton. Tecton is a managed offering, and a great feature store choice if you need production SLA...

2 years ago
0 Hello People

yeah I will do that!! anyway as usual, thanks a lot Martin !! maybe it would be nice in future release to add the duration attribute in the return of the API, as it shows in UI 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hello People

I usually use this 2 syntax to get the lists of tasks:

option 1
from clearml import Task custom_task_filter = {...} tasks_list = Task.get_tasks( task_filter=, task_name=name_custom_tasks )
option 2
from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient client = APIClient() tasks_list_via_api = client.tasks.get_all( ...)
In both case if I get the element from the list, I am not able to get when the task started. Where is info stored?

2 years ago
0 Hello People

Is it something on the most recent version of clearml ? I am using clearml==1.0.5 and it seems not to work ... so I guess this could be one reason to start about thinking upgrading ....

2 years ago
0 Hello People

Thank CostlyOstrich36 , maybe my question was a bit too broad. So imagine I have a set of tasks that has the same name, for instance
task_name = "Prepocess data"

Imagine this task run in every ML project I have. As an MLOps I would like to have some insights, like maybe know how long does it take for "Prepocess data" to run per project.

I can use the API, fetch them, use a for loop, get when the the task finished with ( Task.get_last_update ), but how do I get when it started? ...

2 years ago
0 Hello People

Thanks a lot AgitatedDove14 !!!

I have a question, is there a way I can filter tasks based on the started time?

I guess I can not do it direclty from the task_filter (via Task.get_all or via , Post task.get_all() ) ... so I can simply use your suggestion to get that!

2 years ago
0 Hello People

nothing against clearml, but it is more a general practice I tend to have, where stable sometimes is better than newer!

I remember we had 1/2 issues when we upgrade at first place (when you release the 1.0.0 , and all the ..1, ..2, ..3 ) ... anyway I will see how to do that!

2 years ago