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3 Questions, 21 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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18 × Eureka!
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18 Answers
0 Votes 18 Answers 1K Views
Hello, I am using clearml in docker mode. I have a simple script that runs locally, runs on the target machine running the same tensorflow container, but doe...
2 years ago
0 Votes
7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 1K Views
Hello, Does anyone know how to bypass package management by clearml if using docker mode? I want to achieve the following - Run agent in docker mode Push a t...
2 years ago
0 Votes
7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 1K Views
Hello. Is there any doc where I could find what contributes as API usage? And is it possible to view the usage breakdown by source/type? I want to estimate A...
2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

Interestingly, the example provided on clearml github works in the target agent (a docker container). It imports keras through tensorflow. Importing keras directly works on local, and in the target container. However, that fails as a clearml-task.

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

AgitatedDove14 It is the same version. In fact, I am using the same image from tensorflow on docker hub to run the code a) directly, and b) with clearml. It runs directly but leads to the above error with clearml.

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

Also the line -
File "train_tf/keras_mnist.py", line 8, in <module> import keras `` import keras is not at line 8 in the entry script train_tf/keras_mnist.py . I wonder why this is wrong in the logs.

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

I am not using --force-current-version so I suppose it would be pulling the latest clearml-agent version inside the container. From the logs I can see it is installing clearml-agent version 1.4.1 in the container too.

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

I tried
running it without calling Task.init without the agent - This works Without calling Task.init with the agent - doesn't work Calling Taskl.init with the agent - doesn't work

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Using Clearml In Docker Mode. I Have A Simple Script That Runs Locally, Runs On The Target Machine Running The Same Tensorflow Container, But Doesn'T Run When I Deploy It Using Clearml. Here'S The Log Of The Error:

The clearml-agent version is 1.4.1 and the cleaml version is 1.8.0.

I am using the following command to run the agent:
clearml-agent daemon --detached --queue US3090 USany default --docker

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hello, Does Anyone Know How To Bypass Package Management By Clearml If Using Docker Mode? I Want To Achieve The Following -

AgitatedDove14 You are right. I confused myself by making a minor error in passing flags.

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Use Clearml On Pytorch-Lightning With Multiple Gpus, But It Seems As If The Server Does Not Monitor The Experiment. I Can See No Progress In The Console (Steps Counter Stays On 0) Nor Any Tensorboard Loggings. On A Single Gpu Everything

Hello. Sorry for bringing up the thread. I am facing the same issue on clearml-agent version 1.4.1 and clearml version 1.8.0 . Can you please point me to a github issue FancyTurkey50 or any resolution CostlyOstrich36 ?

2 years ago
0 Hello. Is There Any Doc Where I Could Find What Contributes As Api Usage? And Is It Possible To View The Usage Breakdown By Source/Type? I Want To Estimate Api Usage Costs Before Signing Up For Pro Plan On The Saas.

To give some background - We signed up for SaaS (free tier) about 2 weeks ago. Snice then we have have been running agents on 3 on-premise systems. We have tried about 5 practice projects to familiarize ourselves with the platform, and that exhausted the 1M api usage limit. So, before I sign up for the pro version and add all of my team members, I wanted to figure out how to monitor and control API usage. What do you think could be the biggest contributor to API usage with such little use of ...

2 years ago