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11 Questions, 21 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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15 × Eureka!
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 1K Views
Hi, I'm trying to save artifacts in a folder using command res= Task.current_task().upload_artifact('raw_data', artifact_object=os.path.join(save_dir)) but i...
2 years ago
0 Votes
3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 1K Views
3 years ago
0 Votes
3 Answers
0 Votes 3 Answers 1K Views
Hello all, I setup ClearML on an EC2 instance using the community AMI. I have pointed a domain to the instance. Now how do I setup for SSL? I can’t seem to f...
3 years ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 1K Views
Hello all, When I create a pipeline (using pipeline decorator) and call the function executing_pipeline(). It create a pipeline in the "Pipeline" menu, with ...
2 years ago
0 Votes
5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
Hi, Can I use the TaskScheduler to schedule to run pipeline? Right now it look like I can schedule tasks (but not pipeline). Thanks
2 years ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 1K Views
2 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 938 Views
2 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
2 years ago
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6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 1K Views
2 years ago
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13 Answers
0 Votes 13 Answers 990 Views
When we run our code and it communicate with clearml server, is there some way we can log that api request? Like what endpoint is it and what payload it send...
2 years ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 994 Views
Hello, When I use PipelineController.upload_model() https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinecontroller/#pipelinecontro...
2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Save Artifacts In A Folder Using Command

CostlyOstrich36 Im using clearml server 1.6. I dont get any error, that's the thing. Even the upload_artifact() function return true. But the artifact file simply does not exist on the server. The function is working fine if the artifact is 4GB, but when it is 12G, the file simply doesnt get uploaded to server.
Im using clearml server on EC2.

2 years ago
0 Hi, How Does The Agent Determine Which Packages To Install? I Have

and I installed the google package locally, so it's weird that it didnt detect it

2 years ago
0 When We Run Our Code And It Communicate With Clearml Server, Is There Some Way We Can Log That Api Request? Like What Endpoint Is It And What Payload It Sends To That Endpoint? Thanks

hi AgitatedDove14 do you mean I insert code in the clearml package itself?
The long story is I tried to create task scheduler and my clearml agent running on k8s. so the scheduler r un as a pod. But I found out the pod cant run for very long time. It may have been killed or evicted or something after a day or 2.
So Im thinking I might need to create my ...

2 years ago
0 When We Run Our Code And It Communicate With Clearml Server, Is There Some Way We Can Log That Api Request? Like What Endpoint Is It And What Payload It Sends To That Endpoint? Thanks

AgitatedDove14 oh, when I deploy the agents on k8s (using helm), I see them run reliably (no killed), are they running in service mode? Do you have a link how to setup a task scheduler to run in service mode in k8s? is it similar to the clearml agent? (from my understanding, the agent also listen to a queue and spin a new pod to handle incoming tasks on the ...

2 years ago
0 When We Run Our Code And It Communicate With Clearml Server, Is There Some Way We Can Log That Api Request? Like What Endpoint Is It And What Payload It Sends To That Endpoint? Thanks

JuicyFox94 I'll need to check with my infra team on that. when the pod get killed, I cant access any log on my rancher end. On clearml server, it simply show the pod stop communcate with the server. no error

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hello,

Thank you, John and Jake. As I understand it, the deployment only deploy the clearml server and not the agents. So I'm a bit u nclear when said k8s is more scalable? Does the clearml server need to scale up and down? Or do you mean k8s deployment will have easier time spin up agent instances to run the tasks? SuccessfulKoala55

2 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Specify The Limit And Request Resource Differently For The Workers Spawned By The Clearml Agent? So Some Tasks May Require A Lot Of Ram, But Other Tasks Don'T. So I Don'T Them To All Request The Same Amount Of Resource To Run. Edit: My Clearml

CostlyOstrich36 Hi John, right now I define single queue. So you mean I can deploy multiple agents, each with different resource request and listen on different queue, right? I think that could work

2 years ago
0 Hi, Can I Use The Taskscheduler To Schedule To Run Pipeline? Right Now It Look Like I Can Schedule Tasks (But Not Pipeline). Thanks

Thanks, I'll try it out. I did not know if pipeline id and task id are same kind of id, or if the scheduler would know the difference.

2 years ago
0 Hello All, I Setup Clearml On An Ec2 Instance Using The Community Ami. I Have Pointed A Domain To The Instance. Now How Do I Setup For Ssl? I Can’T Seem To Find A Guide For Ec2. Thank You!

TimelyPenguin76 yes, I followed that guide. I got it up and running with my domain. But I’m not sure how to install SSL certificate for this

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Run The Clearml Agent From Dockerhub Image

I pull from dockerhub and then run docker run allegroai/clearml-agent-k8s:aws-latest-1.21.2

2 years ago
0 Hey Just Wanting To Know: What Is The Recommended Best Practice To Write Clearml Pipelines Between Controller And Decorators ?

So it seems decorator is simply the superior option? In which case would we use add_task() option?

2 years ago
0 Hello All, When I Create A Pipeline (Using Pipeline Decorator) And Call The Function Executing_Pipeline(). It Create A Pipeline In The "Pipeline" Menu, With A Nice Dag Graph.

Hi CostlyOstrich36 basically, I'm using this code to create a pipeline https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/pipeline/pipeline_from_decorator.py
After I run the code. I can go to the ClearML server and click on "Pipelines" menu and see a new pipeline running, with a DAG graph showing all the steps.

Now I want to schedule it to run once a month. So in the main function, instead of calling execute_pipeline() , I create a scheduler:
` from clearml.automation import ...

2 years ago
0 Hi, How Does The Agent Determine Which Packages To Install? I Have

SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks Jake. Is t hat an option on the helm values or I set in the pipeline decorator?

2 years ago
0 From What I Understand Clearml Should Be Auto Logging My Model, How Ever This Isn'T Happening. I Have Clear Ml Installed Via Docker On A Local Server, And Am Using Jupyter Lab On A Separate Local Server. Some Things Get Logged, Including Console Text, But

Did you check in the "models" tab of the experiment? I see mine there.
Although I have a different problem. The MODEL URL is only the local path of the model file when it was build. ClearML does not automatically upload that file, so I don't know how to download the model file. CostlyOstrich36 do you have any suggesstion?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Can We Specify The Limit And Request Resource Differently For The Workers Spawned By The Clearml Agent? So Some Tasks May Require A Lot Of Ram, But Other Tasks Don'T. So I Don'T Them To All Request The Same Amount Of Resource To Run. Edit: My Clearml

Oh, and when I create pipeline, it looks like it create a task for the pipeline itself, and each step is run as a task. I can also put the pipeline and each steps on different queue independently, right? Look like it's possible CostlyOstrich36

2 years ago