Hello folks. We're a small team currently considering adopting ClearML for experiment tracking. I was wondering if I start with the hosted service and decide...
2 years ago
AgitatedDove14 Hi Martin. Using the API to export all the data on the server seems a bit tedious to me. MLFlow has an import-export tool so you can move between the paid hosted service and a self-hosted service without too much friction. I was wondering if there might be something similar for ClearML.
I suspect there are many teams out there that would feel more comfortable trying out the hosted ClearML service if they knew that they could...
I might take a look at it when I get a chance but I think I'd have to see if ClearML is a good fit for our use case before I can justify the commitment
Regulatory reasons and proprietary data is what I had in mind. We have some projects that may need to be fully self hosted in the end