What is being stored exactly in tmp by the clearml agent? I have a process that cleans the /tmp each day, and I now get messages like clearml_agent: ERROR: C...
2 years ago
(data is a bit different, but the plot is missing hte scale and the colors)
3 years ago
Question about out-of-Python dependencies. For example NLTK requires apt-get install sqlite-devel how can we manage dependencies like that on the train agents?
4 years ago
(without having to execute it first on Machine C)
4 years ago
I'm looking to utilize the Trains AWS autoscaler functionality, but after going through its docs a few times I still don't get it. Ultimately, my setup is th...
4 years ago
Inside an EC2 machine, using the trains-server AMI, I'm trying to launch my AWS Auto-Scaler service. When I enqueue the task to the services queue I get the ...
4 years ago
Is there an auto scaling solution for GCP users?
4 years ago
Question about artifacts, dynamic vs static and their relationship to experiments Under https://allegro.ai/docs/concepts_arch/concepts_arch/ in the Artifacts...
4 years ago
Question about the storage manager. Assuming I have an object that updates frequently and always saved at the same path (e.g. my_bucket/my_data.csv ) and I w...
4 years ago
Question, Lets say I'm Kaggling, as you might know some "Code Competitions" are restricted from internet access. In the general case, you might have some inf...
4 years ago
Question about the trains agent and the git credentials When setting a trains agent, it is possible to configure git credentials for it and I'm trying to fig...
4 years ago
to a private repo obviously
3 years ago
Is there a robust way (using the SDK and not the UI) to add tags to Task regardless of where it is executed?
2 years ago
How do I get access to uploaded artifacts (not registered)? I see I can find their URL using Task.get_task(...).artifacts and then use StorageManager to down...
4 years ago
Question about pipelines - so the default for pipeline tasks that are executed remotely is to execute on the services queue. Assuming I want only ONE agent l...
3 years ago
Is there a way to programatically access the tasks a PipelineController launched? I have the clearml.Task object in hand and I wonder how to access all the t...
3 years ago
Trying to enqueue a task through the UI, getting this error - what could it be? (Running on AWS, on the official trains AMI) Error 100 : General data error: ...
4 years ago
I'm running multiple trains-agents on one BFG-9000 machine. Is there a way to stop only one agent? trains-agent daemon --stop is my only option right now, bu...
4 years ago
I have to say I'm totally confused by the pipeline I want to execute the pipeline on my local computer. I followed https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/...
3 years ago
Guess we're back to basics How do I report a single scalar with no iteration dimension - something I can put as one of the columns in the experiments table?
4 years ago
Assuming I want to report to the same task from two different processes (running on different machines) - how would I do that? So I have some function foo th...
2 years ago
Got something very wrong with my pipeline, the pipeline plot shows it has an experiment in_progress but when going to the experiment itself it is already com...
3 years ago
Sorry for the bombarding with errors.. but here comes another one 🙂 I have torch installed locally (through the transformers library) and when sending it to...
4 years ago
Question about using agents. When initializing an agent, credentials are required. As I see it, credentials is something personal, which belongs to data scie...
4 years ago
How would I go downloading a table that I have reported using logger.report_table ? In the UI downloading it as a JSON downloads it a in a weird format which...
3 years ago
I've been working a bit with trains-agent, having them deployed on different machines listening to queues (docker mode) and it's been working good so far. My...
4 years ago
How come I use logger.report_matplotlib_figure and get as a result a plotly figure??? O_O
3 years ago
How do I restart trains-agents? How do I stop them?
4 years ago
Is there any API reference? Somewhere in the docs I can see the signature of methods/classes and see what arguments they accept and description? Before I'm r...
4 years ago