Badges 1
11 × Eureka!Sure!WebApp: 1.5.0-192 • Server: 1.5.0-192 • API: 2.18
Client: 1.0.5
It worked!
But now I have another question: When I try to get the dataset by the dataset name I get this error:
` In [11]: d = Dataset.get(dataset_name='dataset name')
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [11], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 d = Dataset.get(dataset_name='dataset name')
File ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/clearml/datasets/, in Dataset.g...
Good morning SweetBadger76 !
I ran the commands from the "how to update page" but I'm still with the same versions... I tried opening the page from incognito to make sure it's not the cache but I still get version 1.5.0
What am I missing?
Amazing! Thanks so much!
Perhaps it's worth mentioning in page 🙂
Alright! So I followed these steps but unfortunately I can't see anything in the info section (neither of the task's nor of the dataset). Am I missing something?
Another question - when trying to upload an external file (s3) I get an error because I have no key and secret config'd. How can I config them?
Yes! I actually upgraded this morning and got this version 🤔 Is the latest tutorial to follow?
Hey David!
I want to initiate a task and link it to an existing dataset 🙂 (The final goal is for me to able to see which dataset each task was run on)