Badges 1
69 × Eureka!Haa,
How can I change it?
The pipline is on services
and the first task on defult
CostlyOstrich36 I get the last iteration by task.get_last_iteration()
I want to report each iteration..
Maybe I should pass something in extra_docker_arguments?
Hi SweetBadger76
It worked great yesterday and also a week ago ..
I'm trying to figure out what happened because I did not make any change to the code
pipe = PipelineController( name='grab2train_tf', project='main pipeline', version='0.0.1', abort_on_failure=True, # any failed step will cause the pipeline to immediately abort, stop all running steps, and mark the pipeline as failed. )
I'm missing something? CostlyOstrich36
The and, yes
Yes that's exactly what i do, But I'm trying to figure out if I can write down the line of code
logger.report_scalar(title='evaluate', series='score', value=5, iteration=task.get_last_iteration())
anywhere in the code?
Does the line of code open up another process parallel to training?