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31 × Eureka!Pipeline is combination from various tasks
So what does the connection between two pipelines mean here?
I think the pipeline in ClearML like ML Workflow than pipleline from other frameworks
I'm really confused when choosing a framework to build our end2end MLOps Platform.
In this tutorial, you don't use pipelineController to define workflow to train model.
I don't really understand about remote execution
I want to build end2end mlops platform, so i just use only clear-agent natanM?
I see two versions: clearml and clearml-agent
from data versioning, model serving, model experiment
I really don't understand about orchestration
and PipelineController is the task control, right natanM
What's that mean? can you give me an example
I am thinking that ClearML Agent like K8s?
Thank you CostlyOstrich36 , but I don't see you implement pipeline workflow to train model.
Can you give me some advices?
Yes, I run pipeline from function and this is the error message:
"ValueError: Could not find queue named "services""
That means I can use ClearML Agent instead of Kubernetes, right?