Badges 1
27 × Eureka!TimelyPenguin76 It's working now. Thx for your support.
TimelyPenguin76 I think http://clear.ml webserver is down. I can't access webserver nor clearml API
I changed my directory to clearml-data installed and just run the same command with sudo ./clearml-data
and it works
The weird thing is after I run clearml-data create ...
, I can check the project and dataset are created in draft mode withCLI spit out error above
Thank you for supporting Jake
` >>> d = Dataset.get(dataset_name="Anonymous task (user@beryl 2022-03-23 04:05:19)", dataset_project="test_project").get_local
Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=2, read=5, redirect=5, status=None)) after connection broken by 'NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f0c23e4b490>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')': /test_project/Anonymous%20task%20%28user%2540beryl%202022-03-23%2004%253A05%253A19%29.c05641c2e1c74389b471fb...
What is desired output when I typed ls -al
at clearml folder?
I just added manually to config file and it works fine
The dataset file URL is set on upload and stored on the server
This might be a reason. I think server IP in machine A is set to "localhost:port"
Then, after I change IP "localhost" to "<server IP>" in server A and re upload Dataset, Is it accessible remotely?
Is this bug resolved in latest version?
How can I check SDK version?
In this docs step #9 , https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/deploying_clearml/clearml_server_linux_mac
It says "Grant access to the Dockers, depending upon the operating system."
I'm using ubuntu 18.04, and docker command was docker-compose -f /opt/clearml/docker-compose.yml up -d
as described at docs.
I just use clearml-init
command and paste api key from localhost webserver like below. Is it normal that there's no files_server key in api dict?api { web_server:
credentials { "access_key" = "my key" "secret_key" = "my key" } }
also, all dataset don't have any dependency(parent) on other dataset
SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks a lot. problem solved. Have a good day!
I'm not sure about how airflow workers run. What I trying to do is upload "different files" to "one clearrml-dataset" in parallel. My dag looks like below, each task from "transform_group " execute clearml-related dataset tasks. Sorry for my bad explanation
Even I uploaded files name with 001 to 010, only 004, 005, 010 exist on fileserver.
Also I tired to put fileserver information to configuration file, but nothing changed
I'm taking a look if it's possible
Thank you for response. Dataset.squash
works fine. But squash function squash after download all datasets, so I think it's not proper to me cuz dataset size is huge. I'll try upload at once. BTW, is this a bug? or I did something wrong?
AbruptCow41 Yes, it's possible to do so, but I wanted to upload parallelly if I can and I'm wonder it's a kind of bug.
It says some files not deleted on several experiments. But the files also not deleted on project which error not occurred.
Name: clearml Version: 1.1.6 Summary: ClearML - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager, Version Control, and MLOps for AI Home-page:
Author: Allegroai Author-email: clearml@allegro.ai License: Apache License 2.0 Location: /home/junpyo/.conda/envs/minikube/lib/python3.8/site-packages Requires: psutil, numpy, jsonschema, requests, urllib3, PyYAML, python-dateutil, future, attrs, pathlib2, Pillow, furl, pyjwt, six, pyparsing Required-by:
SuccessfulKoala55 created file run after clearml-init
on cli
Error: Insufficient permissions for //:8081/files_server:
http://localhost:8081 This is my whole output.
BTW, Is there a possibility this problem have related to access permission of /opt/clearml folder?
CostlyOstrich36 I'm using WebApp: 1.3.1-169 • Server: 1.3.1-169 • API: 2.17