Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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2 Questions, 6 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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2 years ago
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26 Answers
0 Votes 26 Answers 1K Views
Hi, I am running ClearML open source version on EKS Kubernetes and trying to set the web login configurations as described here: https://clear.ml/docs/latest...
2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

Hi CostlyOstrich36 , I’ve installed Ambassador as the ingress and pointed the domain URLs to the Loadbalancer’s host.

In the values.yaml I have the following and can reach the web UI through the http://app.clearml.xxxx.com URL:
name: clearml-server-ingress
annotations: {}
enabled: false
hostName: "app.clearml.xxxx.com"
tlsSecretName: ""
annotations: {kubernetes.io/ingress.class: ambassador}
enabled: false
hostName: "api.clearml.xxxx.co...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

Hi JuicyFox94 I get the following output without adding the adding the users to the additionalConfigs:

` kubectl get po -A -n clearml
ambassador ambassador-5cfbb8d4c8-8792m 1/1 Running 1 42h
ambassador ambassador-5cfbb8d4c8-fvz6s 1/1 Running 0 42h
ambassador ambassador-5cfbb8d4c8-hgbpb ...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks for the help!

Do you add in the config like below?

And why is it done under the apiserver config and not the webserver config?

` additionalConfigs: |
auth {
# Fixed users login credentials
# No other user will be able to login
fixed_users {
enabled: true
pass_hashed: false
users: [
username: "jane"
password: "12345678"
name: "Jane Doe"

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Running Clearml Open Source Version On Eks Kubernetes And Trying To Set The Web Login Configurations As Described Here:

Hi SuccessfulKoala55 and JuicyFox94 , thanks for all the help. Highly appreciate it. I have since changed the values.yaml file with the above configuration and the upgrade with helm upgrade fails. Here is are the logs of the apiserver pod:

` socket.SOCK_STREAM):
File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/socket.py", line 745, in getaddrinfo
for res in _socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, family, type, proto, flags):
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

During handling of th...

2 years ago