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383 × Eureka!Ah…that’s great!
Latest version was released 11 hours ago - https://github.com/jpadilla/pyjwt/releases/tag/2.2.0
This actually ties well with the next version of pipelines we are working on
Is there a way to see a roadmap on such things AgitatedDove14 ?
Which kind of access specifically? I handle permissions with IAM roles
another place I was using was to see if i am in a pipeline task
Interesting. How do you do PVC? by using the yaml template optionn?
CynicalBee90 - on the platform agnostic aspect - dvc does it with the CLI right? It that what made you give a green checkmark for it?
Now do Task.current_task() and it creates a new task
Does a pipeline step behave differently?
Maybe two thing here:
If Task.init() is called in an already running task, don’t reset auto_connect_frameworks? (if i am understanding the behaviour right) Option to disable these in the clearml.conf
AlertBlackbird30 - got it running. Few comments:
Nodeport is set by default despite being parameter in values.yml. For example:` webserver:
extraEnvs: []
type: NodePort
port: 80 `2. Ingress was using 8080 for webserver but service was 80
3. Had to change path in ingress to “/*” instead of “/” to get it working for me
I do it to get project name
I am doing Task.init but it’s not adding expected libraries imported in the script or from requirements.txt
` if project_name is None and Task.current_task() is not None:
project_name = Task.current_task().get_project_name()
if project_name is None and not Task.running_locally():
task = Task.init()
project_name = task.get_project_name() `
I have convention of root task for experiments and a sub-project Pipelines
for running “sandboxed” pipeline task. So I do some magic like this
I was thinking such limitations will exist only for published
The console output in the UI says done
but the pipeline is still “running”
irrespective of what I actually have installed when running the script?
PipelineController with 1 task. That 1 task passed but the pipeline says running
I am going to be experimenting a bit as well, will get back on this topic in a couple of weeks 🙂