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383 × Eureka!I am on 1.0.0
If i publish a keras_mnist model and experiment on, each of it gets pushed as a separate Model entity right? But there’s only one unique model with multiple different version of it
is it known?
Anything that is shown in git status as untracked? So ignore .gitignored. and maybe a oaram or config to say include untracked. Anyway, it's only a nice to have feature.
# Python 3.6.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 19 2021, 05:36:01) [GCC 9.3.0] argparse == 1.4.0 boto3 == 1.17.70 minerva == 0.1.0 torch == 1.7.1 torchvision == 0.8.2
forking and using the latest code fixes the boto issue at least
Just to confirm AgitatedDove14 - clearml doesn’t do any “magic” in regard to this for tensorflow, pytorch etc right?
And other question is clearml-serving ready for serious use?
Yes. It's a pickle file that I have added via OutputModel
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> - any thoughts on this. Would like to use profile / iam roles as well.
barebones, can a step in a pipeline refer to a previous step by name and get it?
Can you let me know if i can override the docker image using template.yaml?
Gitlab has support for S3 based cache btw.
Oh yeah I wanted to update only for the gpu stuff for now
Thanks CostlyOstrich36
To confirm, if i have fresh venv with no dependency installed except clearml
I have a requirements.txt file in root, and a script at scripts/script1.py
The script1.py does task.init(), execute_remotely and then imports few dependenceies
Now I run python scripts/script1.py
And it should pick up the installed packages correctly?
Yeah got it. Was mainly wondering if k8s glue was meant for this as well or not
don’t know what’s happening there
As we can’t create keys in our AWS due to infosec requirements
Nothing in mind, just wanted to know if there was one 🙂
Sounds great!
Is nested projects in the release? I see it in the community server but no mention in the blog or the release notes?
Yes I have multiple lines