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108 × Eureka!Apiclient will report
Sure I'm right here with you
which client should I import for Client.queues ?
Yeah the ultimate goal I'm trying to achieve is to flexibly running tasks for example before running, could have a claim saying how many resources I can and the agent will run as soon as it find there are enough resources
So is there any tutorial on this topic
Or can I enable agent in this kind of local mode?
I'm thinking roll out multiple experiments at once
Guess my best chance is to check out the agent source code right?
I can comment it on the github issue
works fine awesome!
I’ll try it tomorrow and let you know if there is anything wrong
So what if i want three tasks running in parallel, should i Task.init in the main process and change the task name in the sub process?
check on the iteration on the right side,
i tried to start the experiment few times, and sometimes, 1 or 2 of the experiment seems just won’t start