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12 × Eureka!don't know if that was the authors intention but it seems to work
It seems that I solved the problem by moving all of the local code (local repos) imports to after the Task.init
In the past I worked with a remote interpreter and synched the directory to which all my git repos are pulled with a remote folder in the remote machine
so that imports from local repos will not fail
Therefore I assumed the code is not properly transferred...
Hi Jake,
First of all thank you for your reply, I will try and be more specific.
When importing code from a local folder and then generating a task to be run on a remotely my script crashes...
Is there a way to deliver this folder to the agent / the task?
Do you happened to know if there is a way to sync my local git folder when executing remotely?
When the import command is executed remotely it crashes since these branches were pulled to the local machine
and inside the script I import the desired parts from each of them
I pulled a local copy of the desired branch from each to a local folder