Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
11 months ago
Badges 1
151 × Eureka!is there an enterprise version of trains? if yes, what are the addition features, the website shows allegros enterprise version that seems not related to tra...
4 years ago
Hi, currently we can add "Tags" on experiments. When filtering the tags in the dashboard, it seems to default to filter as a "OR" condition, is it possible t...
3 years ago
if i had a trains server now, is there any migration guide to switch to clearml?
4 years ago
Hi, I have a few questions regards to Publish Experiment , I would like to understand what is the use case for it? It turns a experiment into read-only(view)...
3 years ago
Hi, does trains support plotting charts like ROC of precision recall curve?
4 years ago
Trains seems to fail to capture my conda environment, any idea? OS: Window 10
4 years ago
Thanks ClearML Team, great to see these requested features are released! Add metric snapshot plot to project overview UI - Show an aggregated view of all pro...
3 years ago
Hi, I wonder if the Trains UI could save user UI view? It seems that if I order the column (red) and hit F5, it will re-order again. In contrast, if I move t...
4 years ago
Does artifact track per file base? What if only some file is updated, does it knows only uploading the new files? Also, wonder what is the best way to setup ...
4 years ago
Bug reporting: Just updated to trains==0.16.3. Tested with lightgbm==3.0.0 File "/home/nokchan/anaconda3/envs/cba/lib/python3.7/site-packages/trains/binding/...
4 years ago
And if Allegros trains doc on GitHub as well? I found some documentation are wrong and would like to make PRs along the way.
4 years ago
I need to create some meta-analysis of my experiments. Is there a "dashboard" view for trains that I can create plots for all experiments metadata? If not, i...
4 years ago
[Feature Request] - Support more common type for logging Currently Allegro doesn't support datetime ValueError: Only builtin types (str, int, str, float, lis...
4 years ago
Hi, how can I check if my clearml-agent is running probably? I setup a local server to test, but seems it does not pick up any job. In the UI, I saw the new ...
3 years ago
How can I log my configuration like this? i have a dict params = {'data':{'data_key':123}, 'model':{'model_key':123}}, but it become data/datakey instead of ...
4 years ago
Is there a nicer way to program the color for report_scalar? By default it use a color scheme that is very hard to compare when I have multiple lines. I can ...
4 years ago
Is there a way to programatically define api_host/web_host?
4 years ago
I hit a issue that I cannot see my matplotlib plot, but it was shown in the panel. any idea?
4 years ago
[Help needed] - Is there an API that I can extract the metrics for multiple experiments? It maybe a feature that can be considered. I want to compare two sca...
3 years ago
Hi, what's storage ClearML is using? I am considering self-host clearML on a Cloud machine, while separated the data storage with our own machine (reduce net...
3 years ago
I am using tasks = Task.get_tasks(project_name='project', task_name='partial_task_name_here') to retrieve my experiments metadata for analysis. I want to exp...
3 years ago
Is there a way to set default "customizable column"? I want to removed the "started" column and add "description" as default.
4 years ago
Quest about clearml-task I found an example from documentation, how can I pass an argument without value? For example, my entrypoint looks like this original...
3 years ago
Hi, does anyone use mlflow / Weight & Biases / http://neptune.ai before, and how does that compare to allegroai-trains? I am trying to understand the tooling...
4 years ago
None . Is there a tab showing the resource usage(CPU/GPU per experiment? I would like to use it to better profiling my code)
4 years ago
I am running trains=0.16.4 python==3.7.5 , and notice that the "Log" page sometimes didn't capture the console log from my program. Is this a known issue, an...
4 years ago