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13 Questions, 92 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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The ClearML Ops end to end on Pipelines is currently under way here https://gtc21.event.nvidia.com/media/1_477hq95y
3 years ago
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CTO is currently talking about ClearML and it's reason d'etre here ; https://gtc21.event.nvidia.com/media/1_yp84hx7v (signup required but an NVidia account s...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 9 Answers 692 Views
For any early adopters, who also want to give us feedback - both good and bad, please feel free to try the clearml-serving beta https://pypi.org/project/clea...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 736 Views
ClearML v1.0.1 is available on github. Mostly a few bug fixes but the low-down is over here ; https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/releases/tag/1.0.1
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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Howdy and Good morning anyone who is 🙂 We have an upcoming live Q&A with our lead engineer today at 1pm EDT. If you have ever wanted a peek into the minds b...
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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Also, did you enjoy our talk and workshop? Do you have any questions? Join our LIVE Q&A livestream session to answer all your MLOps questions! We are going l...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 640 Views
Hello (yes, I did use the everyone button/tag, sorry!), please join us in welcoming ClearML 1.0. The community hosted server was quietly updated over the wee...
3 years ago
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As someone much smarter than me noted.. in our small community we have reached 500 users this morning. It's a small milestone but nothing wrong with celebrat...
3 years ago
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I am new here, so, I apologize in advance if this annoys people but, if you could spare a few seconds, then please tell us how you first heard about ClearML/...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 743 Views
Announcing ClearML 0.17.5 Features Improve Datasets support Reporting and Plotly improvements Add force_download argument (special shout out to JitteryCoyote...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 714 Views
Greetings and hello . If I may have a few seconds of your time, I would love to draw your attention to the updated ClearML homepage (at https://clear.ml 🙂 ....
3 years ago
3 years ago
0 The Histograms I Plot With Matplotlib Look Different On Clearml Compared To The Original Plots, How Can I Make Them Look The Same?

the part that I am concerned on is that the first pair of graphs you showed, the dataset (even from jst looking at it) are very different 😕

3 years ago
0 The Histograms I Plot With Matplotlib Look Different On Clearml Compared To The Original Plots, How Can I Make Them Look The Same?

I may have to let someone with more know-how on the histogram and graphing answer if there is anyway to change graph layout though

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

Never a problem Tim.. although it does prompt me to try and figure out a/b model testing myself ... I see everything as a "potential blog post" 😄 😄

3 years ago
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Stupid question Tim (and I understand that maybe your code is under NDA etc but) can you show the python code that you need to a/b against ?

3 years ago
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howdy Tim, I have tried to stay out of this, because a lot is going over my head (I am not a smart man 🙂 but, one thing I wanted to ask, are you doing the swapping in and out of code to do a/b testing with your models ?! Is this the reason for doing this ? Because if so, I would be vastly more inclined to try and think of a good way to do that. Again, this maybe wrong, I am trying to understand the use case for swapping in and out code. 🙂

3 years ago
0 I Have A Notebook Which Is Uncommited. It Is Being Run On A Remote Machine With Clearml-Agent Through Clearml-Session. Everything With Newest Versions, Server Is Community-Hosted. Under Uncommitted Changes I See

Howdy Jevgeni, that's .. strange. I am using google colab (free edition 🙂 and doing exactly the same as you, but I don't see any uncommited changes.. hrrm.. can you try this on colab maybe ? I am wondering if it's your jupyter notebook's version of python or some other notebook extension maybe

3 years ago
0 Btw: There Seems To Be No Support For Videos In Tensorboard/Experiment View (E.G.

adding this to the ever expanding list of "nice to have" features 👍

3 years ago
3 years ago
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I have a strange theory, that if the code is in classes, then you could include both in one .py file and then ENV["use_model"]="a" or ENV["use_model"]="b" to select between them .. in that way, you would clone the experiment and change the config and re-run

3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The

you will probably want to find the culprit, so a find should work wonders. I probably suspect elasticsearch first. It tends to go nuts 😕

3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The

Hey there waves

Not sure about plans to automate this in the future, as this is more how docker behaves and not really clearml, especially with the overlay2 filesystem. The biggest offender usually is your json logfiles. have a look in /var/lib/docker/containers/ for *.log

assuming this IS the case, you can tell docker to only log upto a max-size .. I have mine set to 100m or some such

3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The

hhrrmm.. in the initial problem, you mentioned that the /var/lib/docker/overlay2 was growing large in size.. but.. 4GB seems "fine" for docker images.. I wonder .. does your nvme0n1p1 ever report like 85% or 90% used or do you think that the 4GB is a lot ? when you restart the server, does the % used noticeably drop ? that would suggest tmp files inside the docker image itself which.. is possible with docker (weird but, possible)

3 years ago
0 Does Clearml-Session Work In A Kubernetes Environment?

The way I read that is if you have exposed your clearml-server via k8s ingress then you can, from outside the k8s, say to clearml-session this is the k8s ingress/ip

3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The

hey @<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60> .. did you ever get the problem sorted ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, How Can I Query On Plots And Log Added For A Specific Task Programmatically? (As In, Besides The Clearml Ui And Asumming I Have Its Task Id)

hello Emanuel 👋
I assume you are going to use python, in which case, inside each ClearML Task there is a method called get_reported_scalars that should have all the data I think.

you may want to read the warning at https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/rst/references/clearml_python_ref/task_module/task_task.html#clearml.task.Task.get_reported_scalars on this.. and cache yourself as appropriate.. actually, the docs for the API are pretty thorough.. so if this isn't the exact itch you ne...

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The

I believe you can set it on a 'per container' way as well.

3 years ago
0 Hi, Does Clearml Have A Controlled Approval Workflow Function Such As Ethical Code And Legal Compliance?

Hello.. I don't think so. Code of ethics can obviously vary from one job to another, and of course, so can legal compliance. You obviously have something very specific in mind, if you can expand on what you are looking for specifically, we maybe able to help.

usually though, genearlly speaking, a tools ethics and legality are set by the business side - not really something software would enforce on you. I hope I understand your question.

3 years ago
0 I See That There Are New Products Called Clreaml Deploy And Clearml Hyper Datasets. What Are The Use Cases Or Features Of These ?

clearml-deploy is clearml-serving but with other parts more intwined such as ci/cd prompts/callbacks, if you think clearml-deploy has a bit more love given to it, I believe that will put you on the right track, but at it's core, it's the same idea Sir.

the hyper datasets have always been there in the enterprise offering. It allows you to query datasets and perform functions such as updating labels on an image without an entire re-batching. I think we are trying to find a way to bring this to...

3 years ago
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but of course, this is all largely dependent on your code and structure etc

3 years ago
0 Hey, So We Noticed The
      max-size: 10m
3 years ago
0 Oh Also, May I Inquire About The Clearml Professional And Enterprise Pricing?

The takeaway from the pricing page, I think, is that clearml is free as in speech. If you want super duper support that may cost $ but the folks in the community here do an awesome job in the meantime.

3 years ago
0 Does Clearml-Session Work In A Kubernetes Environment?

I am guessing it could be but.. I don't feel that k8s is clearml-session's main focus/push

3 years ago
0 Hi I Have Another Question: I Run The Following Line With Allegro: Assert Os.Path.Exists("Path") This Path Does Not Exist. How Is It Possible To Have Access To Folders Outside The Git Repo?

understand. Are you comfortable with docker ? If so, I would probably suggest doing a docker run -it <identifier> bash and seeing if that folder does, indeed, exist in the docker image

3 years ago
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