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0 Questions, 62 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Actually I removed the key pair, as you said it wasn't a must in the newer versions

It isn't a must, but if you are using one, it should be in the same region

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

If the configurations and hyper params still appear properly in the task there's no need to rerun the wizard. just make sure you're using the updated trains repo

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Make sure you're testing it on the same computer the autoscaler is running on

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Another Question About Deploying My Own Trains Server. I Have A Trains-Server Deployed On My K8S Cluster Using The Trains Helm Chart (Which Is Awesome). Now I Want To Create A Deployment Running Trains-Agent As Specified In The [Trains-Helm Repo

ColossalAnt7 can you try connecting to one of the trains-agent pods and run trains-agent manually using the following command:
TRAINS_DOCKER_SKIP_GPUS_FLAG=1 TRAINS_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT=/root/.trains:/root/.trains trains-agent daemon --docker --force-current-versionThen let us know what happens and if you see the new worker it in the UI

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys. I Tried Running The Pytorch Mnist Example On A Train-Agent By Running It Locally And Then Resetting The Experiment And Then Enqueue-Ing It To The Default Queue. All Works Well But It Seems The Environment Building Process Gets Stuck On A Manual

Hey ColossalAnt7 ,
What version of trains-agent are you using?
You can try upgrading to the latest RC version, this issue should be fixed there:
pip install trains-agent==0.16.2rc1

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Using The Aws Autoscaler To Spin Instances. I'D Like To Use The Clearml Agent On The Created Instances With Docker Containers. However Even If I Set Default_Docker_Image In The Parameters On The Ui To Nvidia/Cuda:11.1.1-Runtime-Ubuntu20.04 The Tas

To check, go to the experiment's page and then to EXECUTION > AGENT CONFIGURATION > BASE DOCKER IMAGE
If it's set to any value, clearing it would solve your problem.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'D Like To Set Up Clearml In A Kubernetes Environment. Previously, I Used The Helm Package, But It Was Not Really Configurable. Now I Intend To Use This

Hey DeliciousBluewhale87 ,
It seems like this log is the log of a task that was pulled by the agent running on the clearml-services pod, is this the case? Where did you find the above log?
Also - can you please send us the list of all the running pods in the namespace? I want to make sure the other agents are up.

3 years ago
0 I Just Deployed Clearml Into K8 Cluster Using Clearml Helm Package. When I Ran A Job, It Gave This Error In The Clearml Web Server (Attached Below). I Sshed Into The Pod Running The Clearml-Agent. Upon Typing Clearml-Agent Init, I Realised The Clearml.Con

Did you change anything under the agent's value?
In case you didn't - please try editing the agent.clearmlWebHost and set it to the value of your webserver (use the same one you used for the agent services).
This might solve your issue.

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Was Wondering If It Is Possible To Set The Aws Autoscaler (And Other Aws Services Such As S3) To Assume The Permissions Of A Specific Iam Role. I Didn'T Find Any Reference To This In The Documentation

Hey LovelyHamster1 ,
If s3 is what you're interested of, then the above would do the trick.
Note that you can attach the IAM using instance profiles. You can read about those here:
Once you have an instance profile, you can add it to the autoscaler using the extra_configurations section in the autoscaler.
Under your resource_configurations -> some resource name -> add an ...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Was Wondering If It Is Possible To Set The Aws Autoscaler (And Other Aws Services Such As S3) To Assume The Permissions Of A Specific Iam Role. I Didn'T Find Any Reference To This In The Documentation

Hey LovelyHamster1 ,
This means that for some reason the agent on the instances created fails to run and the instance is terminated.
The credentials could definatly cause that.
Can you try adding the credentials as they appear in your clearml.conf?
To do so, create new credentials from your profile page in the UI, and add the entire section to the extra_trains_conf section in the following way:
` extra_trains_conf = """
api {
web_server: "<webserver>"
api_server: "<apiserver>"

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Hey WackyRabbit7 ,
Is this the only error you have there?
Can you verify the credentials in the task seem ok and that it didn't disappear as before?
Also, I understand that the Failed parsing task parameter ... warnings no longer appear, correct?

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Update - New AWS credentials solved this issue.

3 years ago
0 Hi, My Devsecops Team Has Raised Some Issues Of Us Deploying Clearml For Use. In Particular, They Are Not Happy With Docker.Sock Configuration As It Would Potentially Expose The Entire Cluster To Unauthorised View. Can We Do Without It?

I'd suggest that you try what AgitatedDove14 suggested https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1614540843119600?thread_ts=1613923591.002100&cid=CTK20V944 . It seems like you're using an older version of the agent somehow.
I think using the glue could be a good solution for you, so it seems like a good idea to try and get it to work.

3 years ago
0 Hi, My Devsecops Team Has Raised Some Issues Of Us Deploying Clearml For Use. In Particular, They Are Not Happy With Docker.Sock Configuration As It Would Potentially Expose The Entire Cluster To Unauthorised View. Can We Do Without It?

SubstantialElk6 - As a side-note, since docker is about to be deprecated, sometime in the near future we plan to switch to another runtime. This actually means that the entire docker.sock issue will not be relevant very soon 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, My Devsecops Team Has Raised Some Issues Of Us Deploying Clearml For Use. In Particular, They Are Not Happy With Docker.Sock Configuration As It Would Potentially Expose The Entire Cluster To Unauthorised View. Can We Do Without It?

Can you try setting the base_docker_image of the specific task you are running to nvidia/cuda:10.1-runtime-ubuntu18.04 --env GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true ?
To do so go to the task's execution tab, scroll down and set the base docker section to the above.

3 years ago
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