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0 Questions, 62 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Make sure you're testing it on the same computer the autoscaler is running on

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Another Question About Deploying My Own Trains Server. I Have A Trains-Server Deployed On My K8S Cluster Using The Trains Helm Chart (Which Is Awesome). Now I Want To Create A Deployment Running Trains-Agent As Specified In The [Trains-Helm Repo

That's great, from that I understand that the trains-services worker does appear in the UI, is it correct? Did the task run? Did you change the trainsApiHost under agentservices in the values.yaml?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

BTW, is there any specific reason for not upgrading to clearml? 🙂

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Actually I removed the key pair, as you said it wasn't a must in the newer versions

It isn't a must, but if you are using one, it should be in the same region

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Hey WackyRabbit7 ,
Is this the only error you have there?
Can you verify the credentials in the task seem ok and that it didn't disappear as before?
Also, I understand that the Failed parsing task parameter ... warnings no longer appear, correct?

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Update - New AWS credentials solved this issue.

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

If it does appear in the UI faster, than it's only a matter of waiting. it you still don't see the instance, I'd suggest you to ssh to the instance and investigate a bit what's going on

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

As an example you can ssh to it and try running trains-agent manually to see if it's installed and if it fails for some reason.

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

If the configurations and hyper params still appear properly in the task there's no need to rerun the wizard. just make sure you're using the updated trains repo

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

Can you check which trains version appears under the package requirements for the autoscaler?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

I waited 20 mins, refreshing the logs ever 2 mins.

Sounds like more than enough

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

ok, so first, since you have many installations in your bash script, it does make sense that installation would take a long time (note that the agent will only start running after all installations are done)
So for the sake of debugging I'd suggest to remove all the packages (other than the specific trains-agent that you're using) and try again, add those packages to the task you are trying to run and you should see the instance much faster.

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

security_group_ids = ["<sec_group_id>"] (note that I had a typo it's the id not the name, don't want to misguide you!)

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Another Question About Deploying My Own Trains Server. I Have A Trains-Server Deployed On My K8S Cluster Using The Trains Helm Chart (Which Is Awesome). Now I Want To Create A Deployment Running Trains-Agent As Specified In The [Trains-Helm Repo

ColossalAnt7 can you try connecting to one of the trains-agent pods and run trains-agent manually using the following command:
TRAINS_DOCKER_SKIP_GPUS_FLAG=1 TRAINS_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT=/root/.trains:/root/.trains trains-agent daemon --docker --force-current-versionThen let us know what happens and if you see the new worker it in the UI

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Pass Environment Variables To Agents Created By The Aws Autoscaler Service?

Probably something's wrong with the instance, which AMI you used? the default one?

3 years ago
0 I Just Deployed Clearml Into K8 Cluster Using Clearml Helm Package. When I Ran A Job, It Gave This Error In The Clearml Web Server (Attached Below). I Sshed Into The Pod Running The Clearml-Agent. Upon Typing Clearml-Agent Init, I Realised The Clearml.Con

Did you change anything under the agent's value?
In case you didn't - please try editing the agent.clearmlWebHost and set it to the value of your webserver (use the same one you used for the agent services).
This might solve your issue.

3 years ago
0 I Just Deployed Clearml Into K8 Cluster Using Clearml Helm Package. When I Ran A Job, It Gave This Error In The Clearml Web Server (Attached Below). I Sshed Into The Pod Running The Clearml-Agent. Upon Typing Clearml-Agent Init, I Realised The Clearml.Con

I understand, but for some reason you are getting an error about the clearml webserver. try changing the value in the values.yaml file for the agent.clearmlWebHost to the same value you filled manually for the agent-services Web host

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Would Like To Start Using The Aws Autoscaler Shipped In Trains. I Need To Create A Iam User To Get And I Would Like To Know What Are The Minimal Permissions Required For The Autoscaler To Work?

Hey JitteryCoyote63 !
Can you please update us what permissions did you end up using for the autoscaler?
Were the above enough?

3 years ago
0 Question About The Auto Scaling Service Under

Those are different credentials.
You should have the aws info under:
cloud_credentials_key , cloud_credentials_secret and cloud_credentials_region
And the stuff added to the extra_vm_bash_script are the trains key and secret from your profile page in the UI.
I suggest you use the wizard again to run the task, this will make sure all the data is where it should be.

3 years ago
0 Agent-Services: Networks: - Backend Container_Name: Trains-Agent-Services Image: Allegroai/Trains-Agent-Services:Latest Restart: Unless-Stopped Privileged: True Environment: Trains_Host_Ip: ${Trains_Host_Ip} Train

Hey GreasyPenguin14 ,
The docker-compose.yml and this section specifically were updated.
So first please try again with the new version 🙂
Second - this error seems a bit odd, which version of docker-compose are you using?
You can check this using: docker-compose --version

3 years ago
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