Badges 1
6 × Eureka!2 bug: (Is it bug? 🤔 )
when choosing "last commit in branch" field "Branch" automatically filled by "origin/Branch_name"
and when checkout it tries to checkout to branch "origin/origin/Branch_name"
` Using cached repository in "/home/achirkova/.clearml/vcs-cache/cascadeurml.git.dd4d49a1c460b395a49eb72d51f94a03/cascadeurml.git"
2021-03-05 17:00:31
error: pathspec 'origin/origin/CSC-6609_splitting_skeleton' did not match any file(s) known to git
Repository cloning failed: Command '['git', 'c...
Yes, merge was done via gitlab merging request (not by me)
No, it failserror: pathspec 'origin/origin/CSC-6609' did not match any file(s) known to git
No, seems like unrelated
1 bug: can't checkout to some branch if master was changed
commit and push Branch_A run Task_A locally to init it merge master branch with Branch_B via gitlab's "Merge Request" create clone of Task_A via Web and enqueue agent clones master without errors but fails when checking out to Branch_A` done.
2021-03-05 13:56:50
Filtering content: 100% (3180/3180), 9.10 GiB | 10.48 MiB/s, done.
2021-03-05 13:57:40
Seems like I have to just remove "origin/" (it automatically set full path) from "Branch" field when choosing "last commit in branch"
It works! I just commit and push some dummy changes in "my_brach"
Although it fails when trying to run clone of newly created "my_task" (or reseted) without some new commit of "my_branch"