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13 Questions, 96 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 3 months ago



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18 Answers
0 Votes 18 Answers 725 Views
Hi all, I'm trying to deploy trains on Rancher (nice Kubernetes cluster orchestration project) where I'm quite new to Rancher and Kubernetes. I have been abl...
3 years ago
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26 Answers
0 Votes 26 Answers 681 Views
3 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 824 Views
I cloned it and scheduled it to the default queue, but it is not being processed. Is the default queue by default not usable?
3 years ago
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25 Answers
0 Votes 25 Answers 727 Views
Hi, I expect there is a limitation in time the free service http://app.community.clear.ml is storing projects and experiments of an user. Can you please tell...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 728 Views
also the first run, even if it shows me its output and is done is marked still as running 😞
3 years ago
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4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 715 Views
Hey guys, I just published (my second over all) article on Medium 😁 https://medium.com/@w.goutas/track-your-experiments-with-clearml-b26b2d0d6518
3 years ago
0 Votes
4 Answers
0 Votes 4 Answers 729 Views
Hi, I'm using the dockerized version of trains get an understanding of trains. While trying to play with the trains.conf settings in ~/trains.conf I got in a...
3 years ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 727 Views
Hi guys, my second article about ClearML is out 🙂 https://w-goutas.medium.com/track-your-experiments-with-clearml-in-docker-37c5bdb3c582 thanks for reading 😉
3 years ago
0 Votes
28 Answers
0 Votes 28 Answers 801 Views
Hi guys, I managed to set up a Kubernetes cluster and install Trains into it. While testing my set-up I run the test_reporting.py example https://github.com/...
3 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 658 Views
3 years ago
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23 Answers
0 Votes 23 Answers 761 Views
3 years ago
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17 Answers
0 Votes 17 Answers 799 Views
3 years ago
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5 Answers
0 Votes 5 Answers 834 Views
3 years ago
0 Hi, I Need Your Help Setting Up An Trains Agent Running In Docker. I Have An Python Script Calling Wget As System Command Which Runs Fine On My Dev Engine. When Cloning The Experiment And Scheduling It Into The Services Queue I Get An Error That The Call

AgitatedDove14 I still do not understand, how I can deploy the trains-agent docker image to my trains-server installation so the 'default' queue will be handled.
Once I can do this, it should not be a big thing to add additional workers for more queues.
I found a template for k8s but as I'm quite new to Kubernetes I don't know how to use it.
As I use Rancher I'm able to even edit the trains-agent deployment. I added an additional command to handle the default queue as well, but it seems not ...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Deploy Trains On Rancher (Nice Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration Project) Where I'M Quite New To Rancher And Kubernetes. I Have Been Able To Install Trains Using Helm

AgitatedDove14 thanks for the reply. I'm not sure if O understand how to check if the API is running propperly. I haven't seen the webUI so far since I don't know how ... I will continue trying to get it running ;)

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Deploy Trains On Rancher (Nice Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration Project) Where I'M Quite New To Rancher And Kubernetes. I Have Been Able To Install Trains Using Helm

AgitatedDove14 The problem I have with getting the ingress running ... seems to be caused by the fact that I'm running rancher in single node mode (using a docker image ...) where the port 80 is already in use so the webservice (WebUI) of trains cannot be mapped to the same port ...
Nevertheless I will continue with a real Kubernets cluster installation and try to get Trains + additional own agents running on it 😉
thanks so far for the support you provided. I will try to collect the i...

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Deploy Trains On Rancher (Nice Kubernetes Cluster Orchestration Project) Where I'M Quite New To Rancher And Kubernetes. I Have Been Able To Install Trains Using Helm

AgitatedDove14 unfortunately all tries to get any responce from the webUI failed 😞
(py38) wgo@NVidia-power : ~ $ ping
PING ( 56(84) Bytes Daten.
--- ping statistics ---
4 Pakete übertragen, 0 empfangen, 100% Paketverlust, Zeit 3062ms

(py38) wgo@NVidia-power : ~ $ curl
(py38) wgo@NVidia-power : ~ $ curl
(py38) wgo@NVidia-power : ~ $ curl

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

AgitatedDove14 so far not, I just reuse the docker image as it is, and it is not using the gpu parameter at all. It will be the next step to create an own image running the agent with this parameter, but than I faced the error messages and the url http://apiserver:8008 which I don't understand

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

this is a snippet of the YML configuration I'm currently using
agent-services: networks: - backend container_name: clearml-agent-services image: allegroai/clearml-agent-services:latest restart: unless-stopped privileged: true environment: CLEARML_HOST_IP: ${CLEARML_HOST_IP} CLEARML_WEB_HOST: ${CLEARML_WEB_HOST:-} CLEARML_API_HOST: `

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Need Your Help Setting Up An Trains Agent Running In Docker. I Have An Python Script Calling Wget As System Command Which Runs Fine On My Dev Engine. When Cloning The Experiment And Scheduling It Into The Services Queue I Get An Error That The Call

I think I understand now, that the trains.conf has to be located on the node running the trains-agent.
When starting an additional trains-agent not been instantiated by docker-compose so it is not part of the same network, I get problems finding the api_server. localhost:8008 for sure will not be. I dentified the IP of the server running in docker with docker inspect ... and edited ~/trains.conf using it, but unfortunately it still cannot find the apiserver 😞
` (py38) wgo@NVidi...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

regarding the list of agents, yes, the one additional I added I can see in the list

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

AgitatedDove14 ok, and how much storage is an account allowed to use? Omce reached, will the oldest experiments been deleted ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

ok, thanks. This is enough information. You don't need to check how much space is provided to the accounts

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

As I have to configure my router to forward the requests to my local server, I need to know the ports and protocoll settings (I expect TCP not UDP) I have to configure

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

AgitatedDove14 while playing (and documenting) the way to run clearml dockerized on the local machine, I noticed that the yml file https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-server/blob/master/docker/docker-compose.yml contains
CLEARML_API_HOST: http://apiserver:8008
I duplicated this configration (agent-services) section and adapted it to run the default queue hagent with the image allegroai/clearml-agent:latest
I hoped to have GPU support by this but so far haven't seen the GPU usage li...

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

😞 when editing the composistion to use the configured host ip as apiserver the queued work is never processed 😞

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Try To Write An Article On Medium About Clearml And Face Some A Problem With Plotly Figures. When Displaying The Figure Locally In A Browser Works Fine, But On The Cleaml Server (I Use The Free Tier Service) The Plot Is Empty And Has The Title 'Unkn

AgitatedDove14 unfortunately I still have issues with the plot. After removing the first row I get a wierd empty remote plot where the axis is a counter instead of a date. Seems not to be clearml related and I need to get more in touch with plotly to analyze it.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

seems I'm wrong. The queues are there, but the workers are not

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Managed To Set Up A Kubernetes Cluster And Install Trains Into It. While Testing My Set-Up I Run The Test_Reporting.Py Example

the log of the fileserver pod seems quite empty
` root@vmd62521:~# kubectl logs fileserver-6f49b74556-2m4n2 -n trains --all-containers

  • Serving Flask app "fileserver" (lazy loading)
  • Environment: production
    WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Debug mode: off
    root@vmd62521:~# same to the agentservice root@vmd62521:~# kubectl logs agentservices-56655788b6-rnbk4 apiserver-7d9cd59844-dfd5s -n train...
3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Managed To Set Up A Kubernetes Cluster And Install Trains Into It. While Testing My Set-Up I Run The Test_Reporting.Py Example

I'm quite new to Kubernetes. What I have found is that the ports I expected, are used
` root@vmd62521:~# kubectl get services -n trains 
NAME                   TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)         AGE
mongo-service          ClusterIP    <none>       27017/TCP       25h
webserver-service      NodePort    <none>       80:30080/TCP    25h
redis                  ClusterIP   <none>       6379/TCP        25h
elasticsearch-service  Clust...

3 years ago
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