Where did the TrainsLogger go in PyTorch Lightning (Bolts)? First it was moved from Lightning ( from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TrainsLogger ) to Bolts...
4 years ago
PyTorch Lightning question about logging a figure. I have the following code: # turn confusion matrix into a figure (Tensor cannot be logged as a scalar) fig...
4 years ago
Is there a way how I can get how many minutes the GPU has been used in a month? The duration of an iteration is for every run different if you vary batch siz...
4 years ago
Suddenly all experiments we try to log run into an error. I think it's a server thing at our side, because as far as I know nothing changed about Trains (we ...
4 years ago
Is there any status update on what's going on Train's integration with PyTorch Lightning? What needs to be done before it's usable again? This GitHub issue s...
4 years ago
Port remapping of the webserver is not supported (documentation only mentions 8080 , 8081 and 8008 need to be available)? On our server we have JupyterHub ru...
4 years ago
I want to upgrade to the latest TRAINS 0.15.1, so I followed the instructions under "Upgrading" here: https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_...
4 years ago
Hello! We are trying to upgrade from Trains server 15.1 to 16.1 using Docker, but are running into a permission error: trains-elastic | "stacktrace": ["org.e...
4 years ago
Hey, I hope this is the right place to ask. We're a small Data Science team that wants to log everything about our ML models. Looking around on the internet,...
4 years ago
Just a pull request for a small bug fix found in 2 examples: https://github.com/allegroai/trains/pull/148
4 years ago
In relation to PyTorch Lightning v1.x, usage in combination with Trains has become much smoother (just pure TensorBoard). However, when checking the "Configu...
4 years ago
The links to PyTorch Lightning are broken in the https://allegro.ai/docs/integrations/integration_pytorch_lightening/ . Both "Use the PyTorch Lightning https...
4 years ago
Is there an example (preferably with PyTorch) that includes a validation split with TensorBoard(X)? The examples only do Train / Test splits, which first do ...
4 years ago
Hello, I'm trying to run the docker-compose version of the trains-server, but with the command sudo docker-compose -f /opt/trains/docker-compose.yml up --bui...
4 years ago