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69 × Eureka!then if there are 10 experiments then I have to call Task.create() for those 10 experiments
and that function creates Task and log them
now after 1st iteration is completed then after 5 minutes my script runs automatically and then again it logs into trains server
so , it will create a task when i will run it first time
def combined(path,exp_name,project_name):
temp = Task.create(task_name="exp_name")
logger = temp.current_logger()
def main():
[pool.apply_async(combined, args = (row['Path'], row['exp_name'], row['project_name'])) for index,row in temp_df.iterrows()]
scheduler = BlockingScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(main, 'interval', seconds=60, max_instances=3)
but there will be duplicate entries in the UI