Hello! I'm new to trains and am excited to try out the stack. I setup the trains server using Docker Compose and the services are running successfully. Howev...
4 years ago
Hi SuccessfulKoala55 Thanks for the quick response. You are right - there is an issue with the proxy. I received the following error with curl:
<html><head><title>504 Gateway Timeout</title></head> <body><h1>Gateway Timeout</h1> <p>Server error - server x.x.x.x is unreachable at this moment.<br><br>Please retry the request or contact your administrator.<br></p>. When I disabled the proxy I get : {"meta":{"id":"347820f898414cf185a30ae5fec2384f","trx":"347820f898414cf185a30ae5fec2384f","endpo...
Got it 🙂 I set NO_PROXY and it worked.