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57 × Eureka!we decided to buy the full version but I can't find the documentation on the sections that are only included in the full version, I suppose that the full version includes more options and i want to read about them and see the documantation
I do see on the web app link to documentation but it shows only the documentation on the free section
If the link is visible only after I buy it then I can't see it right now (iI wanted to read about it before) if it is visible on the free trains allegro then I can't find it :/
*I see there is 0.16.1
so I didn't have much time to upgrade all the packs because I have some issues with that but it is on my todo list
but I belive it should have work with 0.14.1 as well
AgitatedDove14 In my train I see under this section " NO ARTIFACTS RECORDED"
i use Keras, "model.keras_model.save_weights(os.path.join(output_directory, 'model.h5'))" i want to see the results in trains... how do I do it? (I can see it saves the model in my dir but I can't see it on trains)
TF 1.15 (yes I know... i work on an old model of maskrcnn)
if i understand correctly it clones the git, install all packages and run the script so if I have something in the git repo it should be cloned... am I missing something?
when i connect to the VM and run the script from the the git repo that was clonned by trains at ".trains/venvs-builds/3.5/task_repository/agroscoutai.git" it works but when i run it from the board bt enque it to the worker it fails on the error "ImportError: No module named 'help_models'"
"what's the trains/trains-agent/trains-server versions ?" how can I check it?
it is my first time using Allegro so I am new to this...
where can i see it? to where the project is clonned?
i run it from the Allegro dashboard by sending it to a worker
maybe it cloned the wrong branch?
but it found the requirements.txt and install all packages and it was the one one the right branch... how can I specify from which branch to clone it the trains.conf?
"And the git is registered on the experiment correctly ?" how can I check it? (it is the same git repo were the script is running just in different dir...
if i stopped the running of the Original one before it ended, can it be the problem?