Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 96 Answers
  Active since 18 February 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi I Am Having Issue With Pipeline. Even My Every Task Of Pipeline Is Completed, My Core Pipeline Controller Is Still Running. I Have Added Pipe.Wait() And Pipe.Stop() As Well. Attached Pic Shows The Pipeline In Running State, And Tasks In Completed Stat

I see you want to use the services queue for both the pipeline controller and pipeline steps, but you have only one worker/agent listening to this queue. In this case you need at least 2 agents listening to the services queue. Try spawning an additional agent that listens to this queue and let me know how it goes .

one year ago
0 Hi! Is There Any Way To Add Git-Like Ignore File For Versioning Clearml Data? I Saw In Docs A Wildcard Argument When Files Are Added To A Dataset. How Can I Specify Ignoring Of Some File Types? For Example, I Want To Ignore Ipynb Checkpoints. How Can I Do

clearml-data also supports glob patterns, so if you have your dataset files in the same directory as the experiment code, you can do something like clearml-data add --files *.csv and only add the CSV files.

There's no .gitignore-like functionality because clearml-data is not meant to track everything, and you need to be deliberate in what exactly you're adding. Hope this clarifies things.

9 months ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

What happens if you comment or remove the pipe.set_default_execution_queue('default') and use run_locally instead of start_locally ?

Because in the current setup, you are basically asking to run the pipeline controller task locally, while the rest of the steps need to run on an agent machine. If you do the changes I suggested above, you will be able to run everything on your local machine.

one year ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

Ok, then launch an agent using clearml-agent daemon --queue default that way your steps will be sent to the agent for execution. Note that in this case, you shouldn't change your code snippet in any way.

one year ago
0 Hi, I Configured An On-Prem File Server For Clearml Which Is Mounted On My Pc.

The line before the last in your code snippet above. pipe.start_locally .

one year ago
0 Hi

Hey @<1678212417663799296:profile|JitteryOwl13> , just to make sure I understand, you want to make your imports inside the pipeline step function, and you're asking whether this will work correctly?

If so, then the answer is yes, it will work fine if you move the imports inside the pipeline step function

9 months ago
0 Hi All, I Have A Newbie Question About Clear-Ml Data. I Have Four Data Sources That Get Combined To Train A Model. I Have Put Each Of These Datasets Into Clear Ml So That I Can Track Their Versions, And Then Create The Fifth 'Combined' Dataset Using The I

Hello @<1604647689662763008:profile|PerfectSwan93> , I tend to agree with you , option one is the best given your use-case. If you keep the same name and project it will result in a version bump on the combined dataset, but it will not point to the previous combined dataset as a parent.

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone! I Have A Pipeline That Stores A Metric X (A Single Number) At The End And I Want To Display A Graph Of This Metric In Project Dashboard, So That I Can See How It Changes With Each Pipeline Run And Get A Slack Notification If The Value Of T

Hey @<1661904968040321024:profile|SpotlessOwl43> that's a great question!

how the metric should be saved, via report_single_value?

That's correct

what should I enter into the title and series fields in Project Dashboard?

The title should be "Summary" and series is the name of the single value you reported

9 months ago
0 Hello Everyone! I Have A Pipeline That Stores A Metric X (A Single Number) At The End And I Want To Display A Graph Of This Metric In Project Dashboard, So That I Can See How It Changes With Each Pipeline Run And Get A Slack Notification If The Value Of T

Yes, metrics can be saved in both steps and pipelines. As for project dashboards, I think as of now we don't support them in UI for pipelines. But what you can do instead is to run a special "reporting" Task that will query all the pipeline runs from a specific project, and with it you can then manually plot all the important information yourself.

To get the pipeline runs, please see documentation here: [None](https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelineco...

9 months ago
0 Is There An External Way To Access Pipelinecontroller._Relaunch_Node(Node) ?

Hey @<1639799308809146368:profile|TritePigeon86> , given that you want to retry on connection error, wouldn't it be easier to use retry_on_failure from PipelineController / PipelineDecorator.pipeline None ?

9 months ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Hey @<1547390444877385728:profile|ThickSnake12> , how exactly do you access the artifact next time? Can you provide a code sample?

one year ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Also, make sure you use Task.init instead of task.init

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone, I’M Trying To Create A Pipeline From Tasks Without Uploading The Data Into Clearml Server Because

That's not that much. You can use the AWS autoscaler and provision a spot g4dn GPU instance with a bit more disk. This should cost you less than 50 cents an hour

10 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I’M Trying To Create A Pipeline From Tasks Without Uploading The Data Into Clearml Server Because

Hey Yasir, to use tensorflow prefetch your data needs to be (1) chunked and (2) stored on some server/bucket/network-attached FS. If both conditions are not satisfied, TF prefetch won't help you.

How large is the dataset we're talking about?

10 months ago
0 I Know At Least One Other Person Has Posted About This Previously, But When I Interact With

It happens due to an internal use of Dataset.get , the larger the dataset, the more verbose it will be. We’ll fix this in the upcoming releases

one year ago
0 Hey Guys

It may indeed be, thanks for letting us know, we’ll try to replicate it

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am New To Clearml. We Are A Small Working Team Working On A Ml Problem. I Am Facing An Issue Where I Get Error While Login To My Account. The Error Says "Xyz Email Address Does Not Have Access To Clearml - Ask Your Admin To Whitelist This Address

Hey @<1681836303299121152:profile|RoundElk14> , it seems you are using a self-hosted ClearML server. This error you're getting happens because your email is not configured in the server. Ask your admin to perform the following steps:

  • [The admin] Go to Settings > Users & Groups > Users and click on "+ Add User" where they will be prompted to specify the user's email
  • [The user] Once the admin confirms that they did step 1, the user should first Sign In with their email to the server
  • [The...
9 months ago
one year ago
0 Hi All ! I'M Trying To Run My Tasks On Open-Source Clearml-Server. But Everytime I Try To Run A Task On It With Clearml-Agent, I Get The Same Error : Clearml_Agent: Error: 'Utf-8' Codec Can'T Decode Byte 0Xe9 In Position 26: Invalid Continuation Byte Even

Hey @<1546303293918023680:profile|MiniatureRobin9> , to help narrow down the problem, could you try to manually download None and open it with pickle ?

Also, is your agent running on the same machine as your server and the example pipeline code? And what Python version are you using for all three components? Because I see there's a warning `could not locate requested Python version 3.11, reverting t...

one year ago
0 Hi There,

Hey @<1523701066867150848:profile|JitteryCoyote63> , could you please open a GH issue on our repo too, so that we can more effectively track this issue. We are working on it now btw

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Trying To Modify My Clearml-Agent Running On A Aws Autoscaler (From Clearml Applications). I Want To Be Able To Clone My Repo (Working), And Install My Poetry Dependencies From

Do you know whether the agent VM/image has python 3.9 installed ? Also, you emphasised that this happens when setting the package manager to poetry, does it mean this issue doesn’t happen when leaving package manager settings to default values ?

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> , about the S3 loading issue. The path to the model in the artifact tab, is it an S3 bucket or a local path?

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

Is this a jupyter notebook or something ? Can you download it properly as either a .ipynb or .py file?

one year ago
0 My Project Pipeline Is Runnung Well And Good But Instead Of Completed It Is Coming As Aborted After Complete Execution

That is not specific enough. Can you show the code? And ideally also the console log of the pipeline

one year ago
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