Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 96 Answers
  Active since 18 February 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi Everyone, I’M Trying To Create A Pipeline From Tasks Without Uploading The Data Into Clearml Server Because

Hey Yasir, to use tensorflow prefetch your data needs to be (1) chunked and (2) stored on some server/bucket/network-attached FS. If both conditions are not satisfied, TF prefetch won't help you.

How large is the dataset we're talking about?

10 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I’M Trying To Create A Pipeline From Tasks Without Uploading The Data Into Clearml Server Because

That's not that much. You can use the AWS autoscaler and provision a spot g4dn GPU instance with a bit more disk. This should cost you less than 50 cents an hour

10 months ago
0 Hello, I Saw, That Clearml Data Was Integrated Into Yolov5

It won't, for that you need full support from Ultralytics

one year ago
0 Aws { S3 { # S3 Credentials, Used For Read/Write Access By Various Sdk Elements # The Following Settings Will Be Used For Any Bucket Not Specified Below In The "Credentials" Section # ----------------------

@<1637624992084529152:profile|GlamorousChimpanzee22> using localhost I'm assuming it's minio, is the s3 path you're trying to access something like this: None <some file or dir> ?

one year ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Also, make sure you use Task.init instead of task.init

one year ago
0 Hello Guys I Have A Question About Local Cache Right Now Im Trying To Store In Cache A Pretty Large Dataset (Over 20Mil Files And 3Tb Of Data) I Use A

Thanks for pointing this out, we will need to update our documentation. Still, if you manually inspect the ~/clearml.conf file you will see the available configurations

one year ago
0 Hello. I Want To Update An Artifact In A Task (A Pandas Data Frame). I Do This With

Hey @<1547390444877385728:profile|ThickSnake12> , how exactly do you access the artifact next time? Can you provide a code sample?

one year ago
0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

I ’ m afraid serializing an entire class won’t be possible , but create_function_task will send the entire environment for remote execution , so you can still access your code

10 months ago
0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

Hey @<1523701083040387072:profile|UnevenDolphin73> what you're building here sounds like a useful tool. Let me understand what you're trying to achieve here, please correct me if I'm wrong:

  • You want to create a set of Step classes with which you can define pipelines, that will be executed either locally or remotely.
  • The pipeline execution is triggered from a notebook.
  • The steps are predefined transformations, the user normally won't have to create their own steps
    Did I get all...
10 months ago
0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

Ah, I think I understand. To execute a pipeline remotely you need to use None pipe.start() not task.execute_remotely . Do note that you can run tasks remotely without exiting the current process/closing the notebook, (see here the exit_process argument None ) but you won't be able to return any values from this task....

10 months ago
0 Hi There,

Hey @<1523701066867150848:profile|JitteryCoyote63> , could you please open a GH issue on our repo too, so that we can more effectively track this issue. We are working on it now btw

one year ago
0 Hello, I Having Been Exhausting The Metrics Quota Way To Fast For The Current Use That I Am Making Of Clearml. Is The Quota Cumulative ? I.E. Do We Get 1G Per Month ? I Am Concerned Because If We Upgrade And Need To Pay

Hey @<1644147961996775424:profile|HurtStarfish47> , you can use S3 for debug images specifically , see here: https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/logger/#set_default_upload_destination but the metrics (everything you report like scalars, single values, histograms, and other plots) are stored in the backend. The fact that you are almost running out of storage could be because of either t...

9 months ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Could you please run the misbehaving example, try to add a breakpoint in clearml/backend_interface/task/task.py in Task.update_output_model on the line with url = output_model.update_weights( , and tell me what the value of model_path is? In case you're using virtual environments, clearml library should be installed somewhere in <virtual env directory>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/clearml/

one year ago
0 Input_Model = C_Model.Query_Models(Project_Name="A/B", Model_Name="B", Tags=["Pipeline", "Modelval:Tocheck"]) # Path_To_Last_Weights = Input_Model[0].Download_Model_Weights() Path_To_

I can't quite reproduce your issue. From the traceback it seems it has something to do with torch.load . I tried both your code snippet and creating a PyTorch model and then loading it, neither led to this error.

Could you provide a code snippet that is more like the code that is causing the issue? Also, can you please tell what clearml version are you using, and what is the Model URL in the UI? You can use the same filters in UI as the ones you used for Model.query_models to find th...

one year ago
0 Hi There, Does Anyone Have Suggestions For Best Practice For Deploying A Pipeline So That It Can Run Remotely On A Clearml Server Using A Docker Image? I Am Finding The Clearml Docs And Videos Insufficient To Get The Pipeline To Actually Run To Completion

Which gives me an idea. Could you please remove the entrypoint from the docker image altogether and try again ?

Overriding the entrypoint in the image can lead to docker run/docker exec failing to work properly , because instead of a shell it will use your entrypoint to run everything

9 months ago
0 Hi All ! I'M Trying To Run My Tasks On Open-Source Clearml-Server. But Everytime I Try To Run A Task On It With Clearml-Agent, I Get The Same Error : Clearml_Agent: Error: 'Utf-8' Codec Can'T Decode Byte 0Xe9 In Position 26: Invalid Continuation Byte Even

Hey @<1546303293918023680:profile|MiniatureRobin9> , to help narrow down the problem, could you try to manually download None and open it with pickle ?

Also, is your agent running on the same machine as your server and the example pipeline code? And what Python version are you using for all three components? Because I see there's a warning `could not locate requested Python version 3.11, reverting t...

one year ago
0 Hi There, Does Anyone Have Suggestions For Best Practice For Deploying A Pipeline So That It Can Run Remotely On A Clearml Server Using A Docker Image? I Am Finding The Clearml Docs And Videos Insufficient To Get The Pipeline To Actually Run To Completion

Hey @<1654294828365647872:profile|GorgeousShrimp11> can you abort all pending experiments that wait to be fetched from this queue and try again ? Off the top of my head it could be that the clearml-agent can’t pull the custom docker image. In general you should treat the docker images not as step definitions but only as the environment , hence setting the entrypoint is not necessary

9 months ago
0 1)Hi Team,Can I Clone Experiment Shared By Some One, Via Link?

Hey Sana, yes you can. When you open the link, check on the upper-right side the Task's menu bar, and you will notice that you can clone the shared task.

one year ago
0 Hi! I Have A Dataset Like This: V1.0.0

You can create a new dataset and specify the parent datasets as all the previous ones. Is that something that would work for you ?

one year ago
0 Hello, I Having Been Exhausting The Metrics Quota Way To Fast For The Current Use That I Am Making Of Clearml. Is The Quota Cumulative ? I.E. Do We Get 1G Per Month ? I Am Concerned Because If We Upgrade And Need To Pay

About the first question - yes, it will use the destination URI you set.

About the second point - did you archive or properly delete the experiments?

9 months ago
0 Quick Question - Does Clearml'S Task Support Subprocesses Launched Within A Script? I Have This Scenario

Yes, you can do that. But it may make it harder to identify the task later on

one year ago
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