Active since 23 February 2023
Last activity
11 months ago
Badges 1
16 × Eureka!Hi everyone! I have a question regarding running a script inside docker container with clearml: I build an image containing all requirements to run some pyth...
one year ago
Hi everyone! I have a general wondering - I'm trying to use REST API for searching tasks by tasks parameters (hyperparameters in task configuration). I didn'...
one year ago
Hi all, I have a question - is there a way to upload a local ( user local ) file to the pipeline as parameter? More specifically - I want the users to be abl...
2 years ago
Hi there, Is there a way to upload/connect artifact to a certain running/completed task, using a different scope other then the one that's running? (I mean, ...
11 months ago
Hi all! I have a question - I have a pipeline build out of multiple tasks. One of the tasks creates a file as an output. I don't need to save this file anywh...
2 years ago
Hi everyone 👋 I have a script that uses 3 git repos (organisational repos on github) for its execution. As part of this script I'm performing pull to these ...
one year ago
Hi all! Is there a way to rename the default "Args" name for task configuration that is being automatically created when the code contains argparse?
one year ago
Hi all, General wondering - suppose I have a pipeline that is constructed out of several tasks and one of the tasks fails. I want my users to check out the e...
one year ago
Hi everyone! Small question - is it possible to associate an agent to a specific CPU?
one year ago
Hi all, I have a pipeline construct from multiple base tasks. Is there a way to get output or notification somehow from one of the steps in the pipeline on t...
one year ago
Hi all, I want to run a task inside a container. This container needs to get docker arguments (volume, to be specific). In addition, this docker image (which...
one year ago