Active since 07 March 2023
Last activity
one year ago
Badges 1
18 × Eureka!Hi. Executing reports I noticed quadruple, identically rendered results. Does anybody know a solution? E.g. None
one year ago
Dear all, great to join your community. We are working on plant growth stage models at BASF for farmers and I was wondering if clearML can be used also for d...
2 years ago
Hi We want to reuse the configuration when having cloned a task. For some reason it does not return it but I get {} for this former_config: self.current_task...
one year ago
some example also bringing {}:from clearml import Task # Initialize the task task = Task.init(project_name='your_project', task_name='your_task') # Define a ...
one year ago
Hi we create a pipeline via add_function_step. How should we fetch configuration which is on pipeline level? We tried to use pre_execute_callback, but node.j...
one year ago
Hi, I have problems to render matploblib figures via. report_matplotlib_figure. This line plt.subplots() try to export to the fileserver which is not configu...
one year ago
Hi. We are building a pipeline. For this, we try to get access to artefacts from preceding tasks in the pipeline, via their task id, like hpo_task = Task.get...
one year ago
We do want to have control which files are logged in the model registry. There is such option in Task.init(), auto_connect_frameworks=False or injecting a di...
one year ago
Hi all. How do I read out the pipeline configuration (attached to the pipeline via connect_configuration) inside a task, which I created via add_function_ste...
one year ago