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32 Questions, 118 Answers
  Active since 11 March 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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0 I'M Running Into A Perplexing Issue. I Have Several Agents Running On A Workstation, I Also Am Directly Running Code From The Same Workstation. There Are Several Projects On The Workstation But One Of The Projects Is Struggling With Authentication To Git

Is it possible the cached repository was cloned before you changed your agent settings?

Which settings are you referring to? I can't remember if I was using https auth when the project would have been first cached. Would that make a difference?

Also, did you set

agent.enable_git_ask_pass: true


The only instance of it in the config is commented out.

    # if set, use GIT_ASKPASS to pass user/pass when cloning / fetch repositories
    # it solves pas...
7 months ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Oh, I get what's happening. That segment of the code is rerun when the task is enqueued remotely. So it's deleting itself. This also explains why it works fine locally. It's an ouroboros, the task is deleting itself.

8 months ago
0 I'M A Bit Confused. It Seems Like Something Has Changed With How Clearml Handles Recording Datasets In Tasks. It Used To Be The Case That When I Would Create A Dataset Under A Task, Clearml Would Record The Id Of The Dataset In The Hyperparameters/Datase

The plot thickens. It seems like there's something odd going on with the interaction between [LTV] and additional text. If I just search [LTV] it works, if I just search Dataset Test it works, but if I put them together it breaks the search. Now that I think about it, there's other oddities that seem to happen in the web interface that might be explained by some bugs around using brackets in names.

one year ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Well, if I stop the cron service and start it back up I don't have to re-register each schedule. If, for instance, I start the TaskScheduler, register a task, and stop the scheduler, how do I restart the TaskScheduler in a way that re-register the tasks? Because, in theory, they could be registered from several users and I might be unaware of tasks that were previously scheduled. What is the best practices to preserve state?

8 months ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

I made a video of the Scheduler config error. You can see that the same code run locally works and doesn't on remote. (I just uploaded the video so the quality might suffer until YT finishes processing the higher resolution versions).


8 months ago
0 Hello Again, Is There Any Way To Get A List Of The Datasets From Clearml That Excludes Archived Datasets?

@<1539780284646428672:profile|PoisedElephant79> Sorry for not getting back with this sooner. Dataset.get() doesn't work like you suggested. In the documentation it's clear:

Get a


Dataset. If multiple datasets are found, the dataset with the highest semantic version is returned. If no semantic version is found, the most recently updated dataset is returned. This functions raises an Exception in case no dataset can be found and the



one year ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro


And the Task is still running? What's he clearml python version and webui version ?

No, the task stops (it's running remote, I haven't tested it running local).

8 months ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

I have manually verified that the line-by-line content of the csv files is identical using hashlib.sha256(). Why would it be that the file content is the same, they are generated by the same process (literally just rerunning the same code twice) but ClearML treats them differently.

one year ago
0 Hello All, I Want To Clarify Something. In The

Thanks Eugen for the quick reply. If I can add a suggestion/comment from my perspective: Why is schedule_function included in the .add_task() method? As far as I can tell if you use schedule_function it changes the very nature of the method, it's no longer adding a task but adding a function . It seems like it would make more sense if this was broken into something like an .add_function() method. Also, if you call schedule_function many of the other parameters in `.add...

7 months ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Alright, I deleted everything in the ClearML web-app waited a day tried again, it seems to be showing a configuration object in the configuration section of the scheduler task again. I honestly don't know what changed. Maybe some strange caching on the server side that got cleaned up.

@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> Question: Does the schedule_function option in the TaskScheduler.add_task() method run at the time the task is scheduled to execute? So if I pass a functi...

8 months ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Yes, I'm experimenting with this. I actually wrote my own process to do this so I just had to adapt it as a callable to pass to the scheduler. However, I'm running into an issue and I don't think this is a user error this time. When I start the scheduler, it starts running, shows up in the web-app, but then an error message in the web-app pops up Fetch parents failed and the Scheduler task disappears from the web-app. I can't even see an error log because the task is gone.

I'm running th...

8 months ago
0 I'Ve Noticed A Change From Clearml

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> Yes. I'll try it in about 14 hours when I'm back at work and let you know how it goes. 😂

9 months ago
0 Hi All! How Can I Reference The Model Id That Was Used To Create A Certain Dataset?

They will be related through the task. Get the task information from the dataset, then get the model information from the task.

one year ago
0 Hi Team,In My Dl Project Im Using Lstm But Model Logging Isn'T Happening In Artifacts . Does Clearml Supports Lstm?

It hooks into the calls made by the code. If you never save the model to disk, add it to a tool like MLflow/Tensorboard, or manually add the artifact to ClearML, afaik it won't save the artifact.

one year ago
0 Hi

Will there be a recording posted?

10 months ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Hi @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> . I think I'm misunderstanding something here. I have the scheduler service running. Now that it's running how does one add a new task or remove an existing task from the scheduler? I get that I can add them before starting the scheduler service but once the service is running is there any way to connect to it and change the schedule?

I thought the advantage of this service would be we could schedule tasks just by connecting to the existing t...

8 months ago
0 I'M Trying To Spin Up A Task On An Agent And Inside The Task I Have Two Packages That I'Ve Created Custom Versions Of And Specified A Git Repo For In The Requirements.Txt. Example With Hydra-Core And Omegaconf:

Why? That's not how I authenticate. Also, if it was simply an issue with authentication wouldn't there be some error message in the log?

12 months ago
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