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32 Questions, 118 Answers
  Active since 11 March 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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98 × Eureka!
0 I'Ve Noticed A Change From Clearml

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> Yes. I'll try it in about 14 hours when I'm back at work and let you know how it goes. 😂

9 months ago
0 Hi All! How Can I Reference The Model Id That Was Used To Create A Certain Dataset?

They will be related through the task. Get the task information from the dataset, then get the model information from the task.

one year ago
0 Hi Team,In My Dl Project Im Using Lstm But Model Logging Isn'T Happening In Artifacts . Does Clearml Supports Lstm?

It hooks into the calls made by the code. If you never save the model to disk, add it to a tool like MLflow/Tensorboard, or manually add the artifact to ClearML, afaik it won't save the artifact.

one year ago
0 Hope Everyone'S Having A Nice Holiday Period. I'Ve Been Debating Between Cron And The Clearml Taskscheduler Cron Is The Solution I'M Currently Using But I Wanted To Understand The Advantages To Using The Taskscheduler. Right Now I'M Using The Classic Cro

Hi @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> . I think I'm misunderstanding something here. I have the scheduler service running. Now that it's running how does one add a new task or remove an existing task from the scheduler? I get that I can add them before starting the scheduler service but once the service is running is there any way to connect to it and change the schedule?

I thought the advantage of this service would be we could schedule tasks just by connecting to the existing t...

8 months ago
0 I'M Trying To Spin Up A Task On An Agent And Inside The Task I Have Two Packages That I'Ve Created Custom Versions Of And Specified A Git Repo For In The Requirements.Txt. Example With Hydra-Core And Omegaconf:

Why? That's not how I authenticate. Also, if it was simply an issue with authentication wouldn't there be some error message in the log?

one year ago
0 I'M A Bit Confused. It Seems Like Something Has Changed With How Clearml Handles Recording Datasets In Tasks. It Used To Be The Case That When I Would Create A Dataset Under A Task, Clearml Would Record The Id Of The Dataset In The Hyperparameters/Datase

Yes, it indeed appears to be a regex issue. If I run:

                partial_name=re.escape('[LTV] Dataset Test'),

It works as expected. I'm not sure how raw you want to leave the partial_name features. I could create a PR to fix this but would you want me to re.escape at the list_datasets() level? Or go deeper and do it at `Task._query_task...

one year ago
0 Hi All, Details: Both Projects Are Using Clearml V1.14.2Rc0 (But I'Ve Tested It With Other Versions). I'M Using The Web-App, So We'Re Not Hosting Our Own Cleaml-Server We Do Have A Server With Several Cleaml-Agents V1.7.0 I'M Running Into A Seemingly Co

Project 2:

2024-01-22 17:21:56
task 6518c3cd13394aa4abbc8f0dc34eb763 pulled from 8a69a982f5824762aeac7b000fbf2161 by worker bigbrother:10
2024-01-22 17:22:03
Current configuration (clearml_agent v1.7.0, location: /tmp/.clearml_agent.bojpliyx.cfg):
agent.worker_id = bigbrother:10
agent.worker_name = bigbrother
agent.force_git_ssh_protocol = true
agent.python_binary = /home/natephysics/anaconda3/bin/python
agent.package_manager.type = pip
8 months ago
0 Hi All, Details: Both Projects Are Using Clearml V1.14.2Rc0 (But I'Ve Tested It With Other Versions). I'M Using The Web-App, So We'Re Not Hosting Our Own Cleaml-Server We Do Have A Server With Several Cleaml-Agents V1.7.0 I'M Running Into A Seemingly Co

Hi Jake 👍 ,

Maybe the content is cached? The repo isn't big. I didn't realize the log was missing content. I believe I copied everything but I'll double check in a moment.

8 months ago
0 Hi All, Details: Both Projects Are Using Clearml V1.14.2Rc0 (But I'Ve Tested It With Other Versions). I'M Using The Web-App, So We'Re Not Hosting Our Own Cleaml-Server We Do Have A Server With Several Cleaml-Agents V1.7.0 I'M Running Into A Seemingly Co

I'm not sure why the logs were incomplete. I think part of the reason it wasn't pulling from the repo was that it was pulling from cache. I cleared the clearml cache for that project and reran it. This should be the full log.

8 months ago
7 months ago
0 I'Ve Noticed A Change From Clearml

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I spoke too soon. It does resolve the error I posted but it introduces a new error. While this error does seem to be related to VS Code the strange thing is it doesn't occur if I run it with earlier versions of clearml .

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/natephysics/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.22.1/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/_vendo...
9 months ago
0 Hello Everybody, Is It Possible To Download My Python Code From Clearml Server?

This doesn't really make a lot of sense. ClearML would be better served for tracking which version of the code you used for a corresponding task and you'd use something like github or gitlab to track code and host your code. You could use ClearML to help you reconstruct the environment and code from a task given it's being tracked by git and hosted somewhere you can access.

one year ago
0 I'M Trying To Understand The Difference Between Tasks And Pipelines. I Get The Big Picture But The Thing I Struggle To Understand Is The Interplay In The Code Itself. If You Set Up A Pipeline You Wouldn'T Include A Task Init? Or Is There A Reason To Use B

Thanks for your reply @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Is there an example where a pipeline is built from existing tasks? I'd like to experiment with it and I don' t see any examples of what you describe with my (clearly lacking) google-fu. What happens if you wrap a function with a task.init() with a pipeline decorator or is that the process you're speaking of?

one year ago
0 In My Current Project I Generate The Data From An Sql Query. Is The Only Way To Register The Dataset With Clearml To Write The Files To Disk First Or Is There Another Method? This Leads Into The Second Issue I Have, Which Is What Happens When I Store The

The verbose output:

Generating SHA2 hash for 123 files
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 123/123 [00:00<00:00, 310.04it/s]
Hash generation completed
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one year ago
0 I'M Trying To Spin Up A Task On An Agent And Inside The Task I Have Two Packages That I'Ve Created Custom Versions Of And Specified A Git Repo For In The Requirements.Txt. Example With Hydra-Core And Omegaconf:

Actually this is not how it works, pip will install in any way it sees fit, and it is not consistent between versions (it has to do with dependency resolving)

Oh I see. What a pain. 🤣

You can configure the agent to first install specific packages, and only then others, just add the package names here:

That's an interesting solution. I'll keep that in mind as I work more with ClearML.

Thanks for your help Martin!

11 months ago
0 Hey There, I Am A New User Of Clearml And Really Enjoying It So Far! I Noticed That My Model Checkpoints Are Saved After Each Epoch. Instead I Would Like To Only Save The Best And Last Model Checkpoint. Is That Possible? I Could Not Find Something Regardi

Depending on the framework you're using it'll just hook into the save model operation. Every time you save a model, which will probably happen every epoch for some subset of the training. If you want to do it with the existing framework you could change the checkpoint so that it only clones the best model in memory and saves the write operation for last. The risk with this is if the training crashes, you'll lose your best model.

Optionally, you could also disable the ClearML integration with...

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hello Again, Is There Any Way To Get A List Of The Datasets From Clearml That Excludes Archived Datasets?

@<1539780284646428672:profile|PoisedElephant79> Are you sure you're not simply referring to the get operation? That seems to exclude archived datasets. But I don't see anything like that for the list_datasets operation.

one year ago
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