Hi all! What's the best way to send my (automatically tracked pytorch) models to the ClearML server? My models are curently saved with file:// URI's, but i w...
one year ago
Is there any way to make a clickable link in the configuration of a task?
one year ago
Hi all! Are there any plans to add scatterplots to visualize e.g. Hyperparemeter x Accuracy comparisons between experiments? MLFlow does this in a really nic...
one year ago
Hi all, any API-oriented way to get download all the artifacts from a given task?
8 months ago
Hi all! I might have found an issue with the migration guide. None We recently migrated our data to a new server. While testing the migration, we found that ...
one year ago
Hi all! I want to run my task remotely on an agent, but I'm having trouble with the requirements setup. I have a requirements.txt with many packages to insta...
one year ago
Hi all! I'm trying to migrate a clearml server (that has data on it) to another machine but i´m having problems to make clearml locate the old (backed up) ex...
one year ago
Hi all! Quick question: can clearml-agent build a docker image from a Dockerfile before using it for running a task?
one year ago
Hi all! I configured my clearml-agent with a fine-grained personal access token from Github, but currently I get permission errors when trying to clone repos...
6 months ago
Hi all! Is there any simple way to use argparse to pass a clearml task name? I was using an argument called --clearml_task for this, but i ran into an intere...
one year ago
Hi all! Couldn't find this in the documentation, how do you specify a "setup shell script", so it is used for that specific task?
one year ago