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13 Questions, 36 Answers
  Active since 11 August 2023
  Last activity 2 months ago



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7 months ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 417 Views
Hi all, I am using ClearML explicit task execution to run tasks on a self-hosted ClearML server. I have clearml-agent installed in a conda environment (pytho...
8 months ago
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0 Votes 13 Answers 506 Views
8 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 588 Views
Regarding the open source, self-hosted version of the ClearML Server, I was wondering what the agent-services is doing in this docker-compose. Isn't the agen...
9 months ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 257 Views
4 months ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 261 Views
2 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 617 Views
Hey everyone! I've deployed the open-source ClearML service under my university's network, however I am now having some difficulties accessing the service, a...
9 months ago
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0 Votes 4 Answers 663 Views
9 months ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 797 Views
Hello all! Does anyone know what that specific API endpoint is for login authentication? I have reffered to this documentation and I am trying to curl ClearM...
11 months ago
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13 Answers
0 Votes 13 Answers 312 Views
Hi all, I am using a self-hosted clearml instance. I'm exploring the report feature and ran into a bug. Steps to reproduce: - Have self-hosted ClearML instan...
4 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 555 Views
Hey all! I am trying to use the clearml-agent to execute tasks scheduled in the ClearML WebUI, however I have some issues and I was wondering how the Agent w...
9 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 246 Views
Hi all! I've been using the self-hosted ClearML for a while and it's amazing, thank you guys for the excellent work. I recently discovered the ClearML agent,...
3 months ago
0 Hi All! I'Ve Been Using The Clearml Agent In Tandem With My Self-Hosted Clearml Server On My Own Hardware. I'M Noticing That The Files Created By The Agent, E.G. Model Checkpoints, Debug Samples, Etc, Are Read Only To To The Agent'S Group. I'M Wondering I

No, I'm using conda environment for execution. I've set the package manager to conda, and provided the path to a pre-built conda environment. Hence, I've also set conda_env_as_base_docker to true as well.

2 months ago
0 Hi All! I Have A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance Running On My Server. I See This In The Docs: """ - Or Manually Edit `~/Clearml.Conf` File, Making Sure The Server Settings (`Api_Server`, `Web_Server`, `File_Server`) Are Configured Correctly, For Example:

Hey @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> thanks for the reply and apologies for the delayed response. I added an nginx webserver on top of the default open-source clearml to route requests from external clients to the host machine's ports 8080, 8008, and 8081. To browse to the UI, I use my personal domain (which resolves to the machines static IP), e.g. None I've redacted it here for privacy if you don't mind.

The only port exposed to the internet is p...

3 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And I Added A Small Nginx-Reverse Proxy To Sit In Front Of The Fileserver So At Least There'S Some Level Of Security To The Files. I'M Trying To Test It Now Using A Small Experiment, And I"M Running Into

Yes @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> , I'm using a Lua script which makes a light api call to /users.get_current_user to check the validity of the JWT, not just its existence, before access the /files endpoint. This way, trying to access before logging in (no presence of token/invalid token) gets blocked, and logging in (presence of valid token in request header) grants access to the files. Works all fine and dandy in the browser, but I'm now realizing the application itself ...

8 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And I Added A Small Nginx-Reverse Proxy To Sit In Front Of The Fileserver So At Least There'S Some Level Of Security To The Files. I'M Trying To Test It Now Using A Small Experiment, And I"M Running Into

Is there any information on how the ClearML python package authenticates itself with the ClearML server? I am almost certain that the endpoint I am using to check the token validity can only handle the browser session, and fails when the package tries to access files, i.e. the server isn't correctly setup to validate the JWT from the ClearML Python package.

8 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance. I'M Exploring The Report Feature And Ran Into A Bug. Steps To Reproduce:

Sounds good. I've looked into the configuration settings information, is this a problem because I didn't set the CLEARML_FILES_HOST env variable in an env file somewhere? With the autogenerated credientials, the api_server gets generated, but it points to None instead, so I have to fix it. Whereas, the files_server key does not even appear.

4 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And I Added A Small Nginx-Reverse Proxy To Sit In Front Of The Fileserver So At Least There'S Some Level Of Security To The Files. I'M Trying To Test It Now Using A Small Experiment, And I"M Running Into

So I read that in the ClearML docs that the file server has no security whatsoever and that you guys recommend to use object storage (s3/azure/etc). I currently do not have resources to use those sadly. However, I do know that the webserver has JWT auth, and so the proxy uses some lua scripting to verify a valid token before access the /files endpoint.

8 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And I Added A Small Nginx-Reverse Proxy To Sit In Front Of The Fileserver So At Least There'S Some Level Of Security To The Files. I'M Trying To Test It Now Using A Small Experiment, And I"M Running Into

It works fine in the browser when you try to access None , it gets blocked when you haven't logged in via the /login page first. I didn't forsee how the package may need to access this endpoint, meaning it'll also need a valid JWT in it's header.

8 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance. I'M Exploring The Report Feature And Ran Into A Bug. Steps To Reproduce:

Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , thanks for replying. I'm referring to the upload option from local device. When I click this button a file explorer pops up so I'm assuming it's intended to allow image uploads from my local machine

4 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance. I'M Exploring The Report Feature And Ran Into A Bug. Steps To Reproduce:

I'm running the default ports, 8080, 8081, and 8008 for the webserver, fileserver, and apiserver, respectively. I just modifed the deployment and sat a proxy in front of it so I could expose it to the internet and use it elsewhere. My current configuration involves doing this, where I change the values for the api_server and files_server to use the URL endpoints instead of the ports directly:

api {


4 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance. I'M Exploring The Report Feature And Ran Into A Bug. Steps To Reproduce:

No I don't. The key files_server doesn't exist in the credentials. When I create credentials I've been correcting the endpoints for the api_server and files_server each time.

4 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Instance. I'M Exploring The Report Feature And Ran Into A Bug. Steps To Reproduce:

I'm using the latest ClearML image from docker; I'm running it on a linux machine and followed those steps for the most part when deploying. Here is the stack trace from the client:

4 months ago
0 Regarding The Open Source, Self-Hosted Version Of The

@<1576381444509405184:profile|ManiacalLizard2> Thought so, thanks for the clarification!

9 months ago
0 Hello All! Does Anyone Know What That Specific Api Endpoint Is For Login Authentication? I Have Reffered To

Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , is there a public endpoint available for token validation for users? The endpoint I am trying to call is intended only for system/root. When I try to validate a token which is stored in my request header, it is returning error 403. Is there a different way to use this endpoint, or a different one that doesn't require...

11 months ago
0 Hi All! I'Ve Been Using The Self-Hosted Clearml For A While And It'S Amazing, Thank You Guys For The Excellent Work. I Recently Discovered The Clearml Agent, And In The Setup I Found This Section In The

Hi @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> thanks for the response. Now my question is more of how does ClearML agent know which env to use? Will it make envs using conda as an exe if the packages it needs for a project aren't fulfilled by an existing env?

3 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using

Hey @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , do you know of a way to use Podman instead of Docker?

8 months ago
0 Hey There! Question About The Aws Autoscaler, The Tldr Is That I Can'T Get The Aws_Autoscaler.Py When Running With --Remote Flag To Clone My Git Repository (Hosted On Gitlab). Here'S What I Did So Far:

Hey @<1612982606469533696:profile|ZealousFlamingo93> , I had a similar problem with Gitlab tokens not working with the Agent. My issue was slightly different with the error being clearly a permissions issue with no alternative options, but I see that your output is suggesting to check if your remote-worker had valid credentials as well along with the making sure you have the right commit.

I resolved the issue by making a gitlab token with a developer role. I found that with private Gitlab r...

8 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using

Ok thanks I'll look into that! I'm still wondering though, is there no endpoint that returns info on the python executable? I went through ClearML Task endpoints and ClearML api client for tasks as well and I couldn't find one that returns the environment, e.g. the python executable or like a requirements.txt of the experiment. Is there something I am overlooking? Or are is ...

8 months ago
0 Hey Everyone! I'Ve Deployed The Open-Source Clearml Service Under My University'S Network, However I Am Now Having Some Difficulties Accessing The Service, And I Have This Error: Valueerror: It Seems

So I've figured out the issue. After pasting the configuration credentials (the api {} section in the conf), I am assuming that the clearml service needs to connect to the api service somehow. However, because I've deployed it under my the umbrella of my university, trying to access our self-hosted ClearML takes you to a None MFA page. I think the clearml service is getting blocked here. Is there any workaround for this?

9 months ago
0 Hey Everyone! I'Ve Deployed The Open-Source Clearml Service Under My University'S Network, However I Am Now Having Some Difficulties Accessing The Service, And I Have This Error: Valueerror: It Seems

When I try to run clearml-init on another device:

Verifying credentials ...
Error: could not verify credentials

Has anyone encountered this error and know how to fix?

9 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Using

Unfortunately I don't think I can run in --docker mode, I'm on a RHEL 8 system which only supports podman (sucks I know but it's a university thing), is there any other options? I was thinking if there was some way to pull the python version from task metadata I could dynamically craete/reuse conda envs with the right environment.

8 months ago
0 Hi All! I Am Currently Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And Was Looking To Integrate The Clearml Agent To Make Better Usage Of Our Hpc Resources With Gpu Autoscaling. I Am Aware That Clearml Already Supports Aws Autoscaler (In The Pro-Tier), But My Tea

Oh I see, I confused with what "Agent Orchestration" meant on the website. Is the clearml-agent queue not available in the open source?
I see that you can do clearml-agent daemon --queue , so do you think it would be possible to spin up another daemon, which listens to this daemon, which then runs a slurm job?
I want to emphasize that I do not mean to undermine your enterprise tier, but I am just trying to work with the limitations of the resources my university, which means I have to use...

10 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And I Added A Small Nginx-Reverse Proxy To Sit In Front Of The Fileserver So At Least There'S Some Level Of Security To The Files. I'M Trying To Test It Now Using A Small Experiment, And I"M Running Into

Everything works fine when I access the /files endpoint from a browser after logging in via the webserver. However, when I run an experiment using the ClearML Python package and it tries to upload the artifacts to the /files endpoint, it gets blocked with a 401 Unauthorized error.

I’ve checked the ClearML Python package and it seems to be attaching the auth headers correctly. However, the JWT token it’s using is different from the one used by the browser, and it’s not being accepted by the s...

8 months ago
0 Hello All! Does Anyone Know What That Specific Api Endpoint Is For Login Authentication? I Have Reffered To

Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , upon taking a closer look at the documentation, I think I should be using None . I'm going to take a deeper look into the dev tools to see whats up, thanks for the pointer.

11 months ago
0 I'M Trying To Deploy The Open Source Clearml-Server, But I'M Running Into This Error: Traceback (Most Recent Call Last): File "/Usr/Local/Lib/Python3.9/Site-Packages/Pyhocon/Config_Parser.Py", Line 478, In _Resolve_Variable Return True, Config.Get(

Ok thanks @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> . When I launched the docker-compose on my Ubuntu machine, I never even set the variable. We've since migrated to RHEL 8 so I'm using podman to launch it and this is the first I'm ever seeing this error. I found docs on it, so I set it using export ClEARML_FILES_HOST=" None " . For whatever reason that didn't work so I've just resorted to hardcoding...

9 months ago
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