Hi good morning ☕ ️ I am running a torch experiment that runs correctly on an agent configured in pip mode. - when I change to poetry mode I get this error: ...
one year ago
Hello! does anyone know how to do HPO when your parameters are in a Hydra configuration file? What is the correct way to do this (e.g declare the params for ...
one year ago
Hello! I am wondering if someone has run in to a similar issue to this. I set up a new agent (pip mode) and one of my users set up their repo with poetry. It...
one year ago
Hi! I am setting up my first ClearML agent (EC2) connecting to my hosted ClearMLServer. I am at the step where I am granting the agent access to github. I am...
one year ago
Hello, I am testing my Hidra/OmegaConf with ClearML and I have a general question. Why is it necessary to indicate that I want to edit the configuration (set...
one year ago
Hello. I am creating a ClearML server instance using the pre-built AMI (AWS). Other than the 8GB memory recommended, is there any recommendation for volume s...
one year ago
Hello, I am trying to run a task in an EC2 worker with the respective agent in Docker mode. I am using a custom docker image. The agent is configured to use ...
one year ago
Also, not sure where to ask this question. I am following the instructions from here: None After the instance is created I can log in with ssh but h ttp://:8...
one year ago
Hi! I am wondering if there is a way to check which S3 is associated to which project once you have created them? I am looking at the mongo docker container ...
one year ago
Hello! I created a clearml.conf in my clearml server, then I added the S3 credentials under aws { s3 { region, key, secret } } and rebooted the server. Then,...
one year ago