I am trying to implement a service task which will do some orchestration of jobs, queues, VM instances, etc. I'm using clearml.backend_api.session.client.API...
one year ago
My agent (running on GCP in docker mode) is having trouble with git fetch --all. I'm using SSH for authentication, however, known_hosts doesn't seem to be pa...
one year ago
ClearML (remote execution) sometimes doesn't "pick-up" GPU. After I rerun the task it picks it up. Seems random, doesn't happen too often (maybe once in 30-4...
8 months ago
ClearML doesn't pick up model checkpoints automatically. Any idea what might be wrong? (code attached in the thread). Thanks
one year ago
I set disable_ssh_mount: true, however the agent (running in docker mode) constantly mounts it. The issue here is that it alters authorized_keys (adds root
2 months ago
I have the following setup: instance-1 with clearml server hosted in GCP, visible only through internal network, instance-2 with clearml agent hosted in GCP,...
one year ago
I've been using ClearML on on-premise machines and would now like to deploy everything in GCP (deploy everything new from scratch, don't care about migrating...
one year ago
"clearml-data sync --folder ." doesn't work
8 months ago
I just set up the newest version of clearml server on some new hardware. I am trying to run a service job (on service queue on clearml-services agent) and I ...
3 months ago
Hi folks, is it possible to disable automatic package detection and just use requirements.txt? I have different local and remote (agent) environments so I'd ...
9 months ago
After publishing task, one of the two models gets deleted from artifacts.
8 months ago
Hey folks, could anyone please take a look at this thread? Thanks! None
one year ago
Reporting NoneType scalars. Is it possible to report None somehow, to skip the point on a plot? If I just skip it, it will interpolate between the previous a...
7 months ago