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15 × Eureka!Ok, thanks for explanation. So pipeline controller is in Running state, while task 1 is in pending state. The solution will be to add one more agent?
One more question 🙂
How can I force clearML not to install requirements before running task? (already have everything installed on docker machine)
Here is basic example:
from clearml import PipelineController
def step_function(param):
print("Hello from function!")
print("Param:", param)
if __name__ == '__main__':
repo = '
repo_branch = 'main'
working_dir = 'pipelines'
pipe = PipelineController(
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> any idea? 🙂
Yes, there is one agent. As I said, I am able to execute task, but have problem with pipeline
I am running clearml server on gcp, but I didn't exposed ports instead I ssh to machine and do port forwarding to localhost. The problem is localhost on my machine is not same as localhost inside docker on worker. If I check dataset, files are stored in localhost, but actually it is not localhost. Didn't fond the solution yet how to properly setup hostname for dataserver. Any ideas?
I checked web ui, in execution section for pipeline there is repo_url, commit id... but in tasks's execution section repo_url filed is blank.
Hey, I had similar problem. Take a look here: None
As I understood, pipeline controller is a task, and it blocks queue. I solved problem by adding one more agent.
Thanks a lot! I do not have problem executing the pipeline remotely, I have problam executing it locally.
I have GCP instance with official clearml image.
from clearml import StorageManager, Dataset
dataset = Dataset.create(
dataset_project="Project", dataset_name="Dataset_name"
files = [
for file in files:
csv_file = StorageManager.get_local_copy(remote_url=file)
# Upload dataset to ClearML server (customizable)
# commit dataset changes
I solve problem by adding container argument
--network host
Didn't had that problem, sorry I can not help you. 😢