Hey there I'm currently trying to set up clearML serving while using Triton as my Engine. I'm currently experincing 405 errors when calling my endpoint or tr...
20 days ago
thanks for looking into my problem
we are currently using ClearML Server 1.13.0 and ClearML Serving 1.3.0.
Since recieving the 405 the triton container just prints the following information Info: syncing models from main serving service
reporting metrics: relative time 13998 sec I already restarted clearml completely. This Morning the triton container just crahsed when serving a different model There I've got the following errors:
Update model v1 in /models/tritontest/1
copy model into /models/tritontest/1/model.bin
Starting server: ['tritonserver', '--model-control-mode=poll', '--model-repo...