Hi everyone, has someone of you tried to track your SHAP plots with clearML? Somehow in my dashboard the tracked plots are empty. Might they be too complex o...
2 days ago
"plt" comes from matplotlib.pyplot and as I understand the clearML documentation, matplotlib plots are logged automatically. In other scripts, this works just fine but not with these SHAP-plots that are just displayed as empty plots:
Hey Martin, unfortunately the adapted import order did not change anything. Thank you anyways 🙂 I will try to provide some standalone code so the issue can be reproduced
Hey, good day and thank you for your quick replies! So this is the code snippet I was using to create the plots (see appended image). I also tried removing the plt.savefig() part or the plt.show() part or manually adding the report_matplotlib_figure-part for the task but nothing seems to make a difference.