yeah i see it now in the requirements of the task, that's weird, I'll create a new environment and check it again, thanks
It looks like you still have clearml-agent==1.4.1
somewhere in your requirements - maybe in the task requirements?
CluelessFlamingo93 clearml-agent 1.5.1 requires PyYAML>=3.12,<6.1
- can you attach the log with the error running the new agent 1.5.1 version?
CluelessFlamingo93 I would also fix the pip version requirements to:pip_version: ["<20.2 ; python_version < '3.10'", "<22.3 ; python_version >= '3.10'"]
its working now, thanks that was the problem.
Hi CluelessFlamingo93
I think the latest clearml-agent 1.5.1 fixed that issue (this is basically pip trying to "protect" you from mismatch packages)
can you upgrade your clearml-agent and test?pip3 install clearml-agent==1.5.1
Just upgraded to clearml-agent==1.5.1 and I still get this error.