Thank you!) And is it also possible to somehow propagate ssh keys to the agent pod? Not sure how to approach that
is it also possible to somehow propagate ssh keys to the agent pod? Not sure how to approach that
I would use the k8s secret manager to do that (there is a way to mount secrets files into pod, SSH is relatively standard to do)
Awesome, thank you for you help AgitatedDove14 !
Hi MelancholyChicken65
I'm assuming you need ssh protocol not https user/token, set this one to true 🙂force_git_ssh_protocol: true
Hi AgitatedDove14 , thank you for the quick response!:) And is there some recommended way to setup ClearML agent in kubernetes with the SSH keys? I am deploying the agent via
to setup ClearML agent in kubernetes with the SSH keys?
You can add env variable:CLEARML_AGENT__AGENT__FORCE_GIT_SSH_PROTOCOL="true"