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Is There Any Examples Of Mounting An Aws Efs Mount To A Self Hosted K8 Agent Deploy?

Is there any examples of mounting an AWS EFS mount to a self hosted k8 agent deploy? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L72-L80

Posted one year ago
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Answers 10

Hi BoredHedgehog47
You mean like EFS for caching ?

Posted one year ago

I got the EFS volume mounted. Curious what advantage it would be to use the StorageManager

Posted one year ago

Yes, as an example: My task starts up and checks the mounted EFS volume for x data, if x data does not exist there, it then pulls x data from S3.

Posted one year ago

. Curious what advantage it would be to use the StorageManager

Basically if you set the clearml cache folder to the EFS, users can always do:
from clearml import StorageManager local_file = StorageManager.get_local_copy(" ")where local_file is stored on persistent cache (EFS) and the cache is automatically cleaned based on last accessed file

Posted one year ago

Okay, makes sense. So there is no copying of the data to the pod, it is simply references via the EFS

Posted one year ago

So there is no copying of the data to the pod, it is simply references via the EFS


Posted one year ago

EFS get downloaded to the k8 pod local volume?

EFS is an Amazon service that mounts a persistent FS into ec2 instances, I believe they have support for k8s as a service as well, which would make it kind of like a PV only as a service.
Does that make sense ?

Posted one year ago

My task starts up and checks the mounted EFS volume for x data, if x data does not exist there, it then pulls x data from S3.

BoredHedgehog47 you can just use StorageManager and configure clearml cache for the EFS, it will essentially do the same 🙂
Regrading helm chart with EFS,
you need to configure the clearml-glue pod template with the EFS mount
example :
Then you need to point clearml cache to the mount point by setting the env var CLEARML_CACHE_DIR

Posted one year ago

It seems like https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L72-L80 doesn't actually do anything as the values set here aren't applied in the agent template

Posted one year ago

Does the file on the EFS get downloaded to the k8 pod local volume?

Posted one year ago
10 Answers
one year ago
one year ago