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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Is There Any Examples Of Mounting An Aws Efs Mount To A Self Hosted K8 Agent Deploy?

Is there any examples of mounting an AWS EFS mount to a self hosted k8 agent deploy? https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L72-L80

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 10

Okay, makes sense. So there is no copying of the data to the pod, it is simply references via the EFS

Posted 2 years ago

It seems like https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-helm-charts/blob/main/charts/clearml-agent/values.yaml#L72-L80 doesn't actually do anything as the values set here aren't applied in the agent template

Posted 2 years ago

. Curious what advantage it would be to use the StorageManager

Basically if you set the clearml cache folder to the EFS, users can always do:
from clearml import StorageManager local_file = StorageManager.get_local_copy(" ")where local_file is stored on persistent cache (EFS) and the cache is automatically cleaned based on last accessed file

Posted 2 years ago

Does the file on the EFS get downloaded to the k8 pod local volume?

Posted 2 years ago

So there is no copying of the data to the pod, it is simply references via the EFS


Posted 2 years ago

My task starts up and checks the mounted EFS volume for x data, if x data does not exist there, it then pulls x data from S3.

BoredHedgehog47 you can just use StorageManager and configure clearml cache for the EFS, it will essentially do the same 🙂
Regrading helm chart with EFS,
you need to configure the clearml-glue pod template with the EFS mount
example :
Then you need to point clearml cache to the mount point by setting the env var CLEARML_CACHE_DIR

Posted 2 years ago

I got the EFS volume mounted. Curious what advantage it would be to use the StorageManager

Posted 2 years ago

Yes, as an example: My task starts up and checks the mounted EFS volume for x data, if x data does not exist there, it then pulls x data from S3.

Posted 2 years ago

EFS get downloaded to the k8 pod local volume?

EFS is an Amazon service that mounts a persistent FS into ec2 instances, I believe they have support for k8s as a service as well, which would make it kind of like a PV only as a service.
Does that make sense ?

Posted 2 years ago

Hi BoredHedgehog47
You mean like EFS for caching ?

Posted 2 years ago
10 Answers
2 years ago
2 years ago