Hi SkinnyPanda43
No idea what the ImageId actually is.
That's the ami image string that the new EC2 will be started with, make sense ?
Solved by removing default parts.
Now I got a strange behavior in which I have 2 tasks on queue, the autoscaler fires two EC2 instances and then turn them off without running the tasks, then It fires two new instances again in a loop.
SkinnyPanda43 could it be the clearml.conf is too large? how come it exceeds 16kb ?
Any hint on how you start the AWS autoscaler ?
Yes I suspect it is too large 😞
Notice that most parts have default values so there is no need to specify them
Thank you, I have defined the AMI manually instead of using the default, now I am getting the following error:
Error: An error occurred (InvalidParameterValue) when calling the RunInstances operation: User data is limited to 16384 bytes
I used the autogenerated clearml.conf, I will try erasing the unnecessary parts.