This is odd I was running the example code from:
It is stored inside a repo, but the steps that are created (i.e. checking the Task that is created) do not have any repo linked to them.
What's the difference ?
Hi FierceHamster54
Are you saying the pipeline component is a standalone script?
If this is the case then you are correct, it should not need to, I think you can specify it in the decorator.
I think this might work 🤞@PipelineDecorator.component(..., repo=False)
(if for instance in wanna pull a yolov5
repo in the retraining component)
And Ithen can override it by specifying a repo on one of the components ?
Okay the force_store_standalone_script()
Well aside from the abvious removal of the line PipelineDecorator.run_locally()
on both our sides, the decorators arguments seems to be the same:@PipelineDecorator.component( return_values=['dataset_id'], cache=True, task_type=TaskTypes.data_processing, execution_queue='Quad_VCPU_16GB', repo=False )
And my pipeline controller:@PipelineDecorator.pipeline( name="VINZ Auto-Retrain", project="VINZ", version="0.0.1", pipeline_execution_queue="Quad_VCPU_16GB" )
Oh I see the pipeline controller itself (not the components) is the one with the repo
To fix that add at the top of the script the following:
` from clearml import Task
@PipelineDecorator.pipeline(...) `That should do the trick
Well its not working, this params seems to be used to override the repo to pull since it has a str type annotation anyway, ClearML still attempted to pull the repo