Out of curiosity, what's the workflow with snowflake?
Thanks! I think you were right on all counts there. That was my work around.
Hi BeefyHippopotamus73
. I checked the template task and the list of “Installed Packages” indeed does not have one of my required packages in the list.
Basically the "installed packages" is auto populated based on the directly imported packages n your code base.
Could it be you do not have import snowflake-connector-python
and this is a derivative package (i.e. required from a different package)
BTW: when you clone your Task in the UI you can edit and add the missing packages, just like you would with any "requirements.txt"
You can also (if for some reason ClearML fails to autodetect) manually add a package in code:
` # notice this should be called before the Task.init call
task = Task.init(....) `
That’s how I generate my raw input data is from a Snowflake query, then I do all the feature encoding/building etc.
I suppose in the end I’m going to want to log the inference values back to snowflake as well … haven’t gotten to that part yet