In short, what helped isgitlab+deploy-token
in gitlab url
in order to work with ssh cloning, one has to manually install openssh-client to the docker image, looks like that
in order to work with ssh cloning, one has to manually install openssh-client to the docker image, looks like that
Correct, you have to have SSH inside the container so that git can use it.
You can always install with the following setup inside your agent's clearml.conf:extra_docker_shell_script: ["apt-get install -y openssh-client", ]
Hi MelancholyElk85
I have strong deja vu feeling. Credentials are OK. How to solve this? If you need the full log, how to share the full log without sharing private information? I'm fed up with this shit
Is this coming from the agent ?
I don't think so. it is solved by installing openssh-client to the docker image or by adding deploy token to the cloning url in web ui
(this is an answer to the previous message)
I don't think so. it is solved by installing openssh-client to the docker image or by adding deploy token to the cloning url in web ui
You can also have the token (token==password) configured as the defauylt user/pass in your agent's clearml.conf
where is it in the docs? (section 6)
for https cloning, deploy token is needed