CrookedWalrus33 What I mean is - why do you want your users using NAS and not the fileserver?
I'm not sure I understand your suggestion
Because we want all our data to be stored on premises.
minio was a tiny bit of headache to configure, but I'd be happy to help if you want CrookedWalrus33 , I just went through this process yesterday and today (see a few threads up...)
Were using the community server
You're welcome to try and report your findings, of course 🙂 - I just think minio will be much more robust and provide a good cross-platform and managed solution
I got that, I just don't understand why...
Hi CrookedWalrus33 - is there any reason why you can't still use the fileserver and simply mount its storage folder on that NAS?
is the mount point of the NAS on one linux machine.
On macos it would be /Volumes/clearml_storage,
On windows - //NAS/clearml_storage
Well, it should work, but as you said you might hit cross-platform issues with how the path is parsed by ClearML and used
The easiest choice is to use minio (which is open source) - this will not require any cross-platform adjustments
UnevenDolphin73 Thanks! Ill look into and reach out if needed
Is it a rare use case to use a NAS as the fileserver?
What would you suggest?
we are using the fileserver which is configured at clearml.conf to a path on a network drive (i.e the NAS) -files_server: file:///mnt/clearml_storage