Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Different Question About Warnings: I'M Getting (Infrequently) This Warning, Followed By My Script Hanging

Different question about warnings: I'm getting (infrequently) this warning, followed by my script hanging
2021-09-14 14:23:29,809 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting for repository detection and full package requirement analysis 2021-09-14 14:28:29,809 - clearml.Task - INFO - Repository and package analysis timed out (300.0 sec), giving up 2021-09-14 14:28:29,878 - clearml.Task - WARNING - Failed auto-detecting task repository: no info for [PosixPath('/datadrive2/radu/experiments/runners/all'), PosixPath('/datadrive2/radu/my_repo/my_repo/scripts')] (exception SystemExit() not a BaseException subclass)
Related question is: does clearml expect the script to be run from the root of the repo? What would be the correct way of letting it know of where the repo root actually lies?

Posted 2 years ago
Votes Newest

Answers 31

With the warning ?
I was able to reproduce it on the old versions, but it seems fixed on the latest from GitHub.

Posted 2 years ago

there is - it's called "github"

Posted 2 years ago

Oh i get it now, can you test:
git ls-remote --get-url githuband then
git ls-remote --get-url

Posted 2 years ago

Must be something else foul at play here..

Posted 2 years ago

Can you verify it fixes the timeout issue as well? (or some insight on how to reproduce the issue?)

Posted 2 years ago

you think that simply adding origin will fix this - I really don't mind doing that

Posted 2 years ago

So does that mean "origin" solves the issue ?

Posted 2 years ago

I'll let you know asap

Posted 2 years ago


Posted 2 years ago

LOL, thanks!

Posted 2 years ago

✦2 ❯ git remote show

Posted 2 years ago


Posted 2 years ago

that's the entire repo link ? not something like https://github.com/ ... ?

Posted 2 years ago

✦ ❯ git remote -v github git@github.com:biocatchltd/volt.git (fetch) github git@github.com:biocatchltd/volt.git (push)

Posted 2 years ago

Okay let me check if I can test on this git version.

Posted 2 years ago

` radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in experiments/runners/all via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt
❯ git ls-remote --get-url github

radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in experiments/runners/all via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt
❯ git ls-remote --get-url
fatal: No remote configured to list refs from.

radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in experiments/runners/all via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt
❯ git --version
git version 2.17.1 `

Posted 2 years ago

Take a guess 😂 (it's "origin")

Posted 2 years ago

WittyOwl57 that is odd there is a specific catch for SystemExit
How do I reproduce this issue/warning ?
Also: "Repository and package analysis timed out (300.0 sec), giving up" seriously ove 5 minutes ?! how large is the git repo?

Posted 2 years ago

Sorry, I meant the "origin" part. The warning is no more.

Posted 2 years ago


Posted 2 years ago

The template appears to be <alias> <url> <fetch|push> .
The .git/config file has sections for each remote too. Example:
[remote "github"] url = git@github.com:biocatchltd/volt.git fetch = +refs/heads/:refs/remotes/github/Would be nice to report which remote the checked out branch actually tracks.

Posted 2 years ago

based on this one:
I think this is a specific issue of the local git repo configuration, can you verify
(btw: I tested with git 2.17.1 git ls-remote --get-url will return the remote url, without an error)

Posted 2 years ago

We can't really know (possibly ever 🙂 ), but if the bug happens again I'll be sure to report it here.

Posted 2 years ago

I will take any suggestion 🙂
git remote -v could be a good start but I'm not familiar with the output structure, is there a template for parsing ?

Posted 2 years ago

I think, this all ties into the none-standard git repo definition. I cannot find any other reason for it. Is it actually stuck for 5 min at the end of the process, waiting for the repo detection ?

Posted 2 years ago

Okay, progress.
What are you getting when running the following from the git repo folder:
git ls-remote --get-url origin

Posted 2 years ago

okay the odd thing git ls-remote --get-url origin should have returned the same...
what's your git version? (git --version)

Posted 2 years ago

The problem appears to be related to the lack of an "origin" remote. However, I think the configuration is perfectly legitimate, so maybe there's a better alternative than relying on the behaviour of git ls-remote --get-url .

Posted 2 years ago

Unfortunately it still happens 😞 :
` Epoch 51: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 361/361 [02:52<00:00, 2.10it/s, loss=0.169, v_num=9-29]
2021-09-17 09:58:22,253 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting for repository detection and full package requirement analysis
2021-09-17 10:03:22,254 - clearml.Task - INFO - Repository and package analysis timed out (300.0 sec), giving up
2021-09-17 10:03:22,313 - clearml.Task - WARNING - Failed auto-detecting task repository: no info for [PosixPath('/datadrive2/radu/volt/volt/scripts'), PosixPath('/datadrive2/radu/volt/volt/scripts')] (exception SystemExit() not a BaseException subclass)

radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in experiments/runners/all via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt took 3h8m43s
❯ python -c "import clearml; print(clearml.version)"
1.0.6rc2 `

Posted 2 years ago

` radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in volt on  rg/dev [$] is 📦 v7.0.1 via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt
✦2 ❯ git status
On branch rg/dev
nothing to commit, working tree clean

radu on vm-aimbrain-01 in volt on  rg/dev [$] is 📦 v7.0.1 via 🐍 v3.8.5 via C volt
✦ ❯ du -sh .
35M . `

Posted 2 years ago
31 Answers
2 years ago
3 months ago