Hi Team, I'm currently trying to install ClearML-Server on a Powerpc server with RedHat7.
You are a brave man LividCrab90 !
s there dockerfiles for the ClearML-Server stack somewhere ?
The main issue is replacing the DB containers, do you have elastic/mongo/redis for powerpc ?
So the only image that I need to build is allegroai/clearml ?
what I'm looking for is the recipe to build that one,
Hi LividCrab90 , the images are based on centos7. We don't yet have a clean dockerfile for them, but I can try to whip one up for you, if you're willing to make it work 🙂
Yeah, I have the images for elastic, mongo and redis for powerpc
Oh great, that will be great. Thanks in advance,
Then in theory (since the backend is python based) you just need to find a base docker image to build it on.
SuccessfulKoala55 , please let me know when you have something that can help me build the allegroai/clearml image from scratch