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Hello Folks! We Have Started Using Clearml In Kubernetes. The Trainings Are Run In K8S With Help Of K8Sintegration And Some Custom Coding. Now For The Clearml-Session Tasks, A Port-Forward Should Be Done Each Time If I Need To Access The Jupyter Notebook

Hello Folks!

We have started using ClearML in kubernetes. The trainings are run in k8s with help of K8SIntegration and some custom coding. Now for the clearml-session tasks, a port-forward should be done each time if I need to access the Jupyter notebook UI for example. I want to know whether there’s a way to make this easier?
I thought of creating headless services which matches all the task pods and then using the pod-name to connect to them but that also doesn’t look very beautiful (and I don’t know even feasible)

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 7

. I’m using the default operation mode which uses kubectl run. Should I use templates and specify a service in there to be able to connect to the pods?

Ohh the default "kubectl run" does not support the "ports-mode" 😞

There’s a static number of pod which services are created for…

You got it! 🙂

Posted 3 years ago

How is it going to access to actual pod? Is it a headless service?

Posted 3 years ago

I’m not using templates for k8s glue. I’m using the default operation mode which uses kubectl run. Should I use templates and specify a service in there to be able to connect to the pods?

Posted 3 years ago

So do I have to create a template yaml to be able to use this feature?

Posted 3 years ago

Correct (with the port mapping service in it)

Posted 3 years ago

Ah I think I understand it now. 🙂
There’s a static number of pod which services are created for…

Posted 3 years ago

Hi DisgustedDove53

Now for the clearml-session tasks, a port-forward should be done each time if I need to access the Jupyter notebook UI for example.

So basically this is why the k8s glue has --ports-mode.
Essentially you setup a k8s service (doing the ingest TCP ports) then the template.yaml that is used by the k8s glue should specify said service. Then the clearml-session knows how to access the actual pod, by a the parameters the k8s glue sets on the Task.
Make sense ?

Posted 3 years ago
7 Answers
3 years ago
2 years ago